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The Guardian Angel: Eucharistic Miracle receptions

During her stay at Proceno, the Dominican Saint Agnes Segni would go into the monastery garden alone to pray near an olive plant.

One Sunday morning at the break of dawn she was immersed in prayer from the break of dawn and only after several hours realized that it was a feast day and that she was obliged to attend, attended Holy Mass in the monastery choir.

However, an angel of the Lord came bearing an immaculate Host, giving her Holy Communion. This incident was repeated on other occasions as well

The biographer of Saint Clare of Montefalco recounts in the acts for her canonization process that “one day Clare came up to Holy Communion without her mantle.

Sister Giovanna rebuked her harshly, saying to her, ‘Go away - I don’t want you to receive Holy Communion.’

Hearing these words, Clare realized that she was without her mantle and felt such bitter regret that after she returned to her cell, she wept bitterly.

And while she was praying, amid her tears, Christ appeared to her, and embracing her, gave her Holy Communion, leaving her deeply consoled.”

Blessed Angela of Foligno recounted that “on one occasion I saw Christ under the guise of a small Child, Who nevertheless appeared great and majestic, like a king:

It seemed that, seated on His throne, He held in His hand something like a symbol of authority.

Then, when the others knelt down, I did not do so, and I don’t know if I ran up close to the altar or if I could not move from sheer delight and contemplation, and I experienced great regret that the priest put the Host back on the altar so quickly.”

Saint Frances of Rome is often depicted as a woman habited in black with a white veil, accompanied by her guardian angel, and sometimes carrying a basket of food; Nun with her guardian angel dressed as a deacon.

Monstrance and arrow; book; angel with a branch of oranges; receiving the veil from the Christ Child in the arms of the Blessed Virgin.

During the three periods of her life, three angels of different rank accompanied her, ready to protect her soul against any onslaught of hell and to lead her step by step to spiritual perfection.

When a woman laughed at the Eucharist, thinking it was only bread, St. Gregory prayed and the host turned to flesh.

St. Gregory was about to give communion to a woman who baked the bread used at Mass.

The woman surprisingly started to laugh, because she thought it was ridiculous to think that the bread she made was the body of Jesus.

She had the gift of levitation, which she found so embarrassing that she’d ask the other nuns to hold her down. She begged God not to let her levitate in public again. When she tried to reform her Carmelite order, many in the community who preferred a more lax lifestyle resisted her. They complained about her, and Teresa, in turn, complained to God about her difficult situation. The Lord famously responded to her in prayer, “That’s how I treat my friends.” In the good humor of a close friend she responded, “That’s why you have so few friends.”


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