The Catholic Defender: John Benko Suffers Defeat Again At The Hands of Deepertruth 40 to 19, 8/19/2024.

Deepertruth continued their dominance today over John Benko's The 4 Persons through following podcasts:
Novena to Blessed Michael Mcgivney Day 5 – A Holy Life
Eucharistic Miracles through the eyes of the Saints
Stand in the Gap With Us and Saint Januarius
Deepertruths lead today is 208371 Up from 208350 (8/18/224)
Deepertruth holds at 69% Average per post
The 4 Persons at 10% Average per post
Deepertruth stands at 213,552, The 4 Persons ends with 5181

Taylor Kemp--former DC United soccer player--recalls RCIA, a secular mindset, an absence of truth, and a humble witness.
Taylor is a husband, Catholic convert, and former Major League Soccer player with over 100 MLS appearances throughout a six-year career that took him to four continents and more than 10 countries.
He retired from professional soccer in 2018, and now shares the beauty of the faith through his testimony and Church teaching.
Taylor spent 10 years in locker rooms of the highest level, from the University of Maryland, to D.C. United, to the U.S. Men’s National team, and was faced with living and sharing his faith in some of the most secular environments.
After living a life apart from God for many years, he experienced the unique challenges of converting from within a professional locker room, learning to share his faith, and eventually evangelize effectively.
Taylor Kemp strong in his Catholic Faith he calls out for "Deepertruth to Beat John Benko" and the 4 Persons
"I can do all things through him who strengthens me". This verse is often used by athletes to suggest that with God's strength, they can achieve anything, including athletic feats.
