The Catholic Defender: John Benko resets the stage to launch his Anti-Trump campaign on his 4 Persons podcast

Trump is no conservative and no Christian. The never trumpers were right So says John Benko
"Someone has to say it. All those years writing checks to far left democrats like Kamala Harris show who Trump REALLY is. The move to the right was just a facade. The real Trump is a pro-gay, pro abortion, pro-digital currency leftist. Conservative Christians need to have the courage to be honest. Our allegiance to God must come before politicians, even this one. Even if you plan to vote for Trump in November, admit that we will have to lobby him hard because he is NOT one of us."
In 2016, President responded to these never trumper opposition by admitting that as a builder in New York City, he has given support to both Democrat and Republican Candidates in order to promote his business. This is customary among business around the country.
Trump is not "a pro-gay, pro abortion, pro-digital currency leftist" As Benko maintains who himself is on the wrong side again.
INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Donald Trump on Monday urged a staunchly anti-abortion Christian group to stand up for “innocent life,”
Donald Trump tells a group that calls for banning all abortions to stand up for ‘innocent life’
Trump has repeatedly taken credit for the overturning of a federally guaranteed right to abortion — having nominated three of the justices who overturned Roe v. Wade
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City in Kansas, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, thanked and praised the Trump Administration following the release of its second report showing successful implementation of an expanded Mexico City Policy aptly renamed, “Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance
“The Trump Administration deserves our praise for ensuring that U.S. global health assistance funding actually promotes health and human rights, and doesn’t undermine them by promoting abortion. Killing innocent and defenseless unborn children through abortion is not health care. Abortion violates an unborn child’s most basic human right, the right to life, and it also can wound the mother emotionally and physically. Americans recognize this injustice and an overwhelming majority of them oppose giving tax dollars to organizations that are more committed to promoting abortion than providing health services.”
but can you commit, sitting right here with me today, that if you and Donald Trump are elected that you will not impose a federal ban on abortion?” NBC reporter Kristen Welker asked.
“I can absolutely commit that, Kristen; Donald Trump has been as clear about that as possible,” Vance responded.