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John Benko Suffers Defeat again at the hands of Deepertruth as the 4 Persons continue to lose listeners 17 to 4, 10/ 2 /2024

Richard Pettys Jr. podcast, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Catholic Saint of the Day and Daily Update 2024.10.02

The 4 Persons podcastr, Chaplet of Saint Michael the Archangel

John Benko, the Beast on the internet falsely claims: Medjugorje apparitions: still demonic, still condemned, nothing has changed?

Due to the dwindling numbers of the 4 Persons listeners, today their numbers continue to be very low. Some of their listeners have switched to Deepertruth because they are finding that John Benko is a fake and a liar. And many are declaring that John Benko is disgusting.

Consider here that John Benko two podcasts today and there was only four points to add to their total score.

Deepertruth on the other hand has 17 points from two fantastic podcasts!

This has John Benko so torn that he is moved to utilize his charecter assassination tactic. This is the kind of trash that John Benko puts forth, he has no facts, I have the Diocese of Kansas backing me up, all Benko has is his agenda.

The Deepertruth Catholic Lions continued their dominance today over John Benko's The 4 Persons through the following podcasts:

Deepertruth: Stand In The Gap With Us On The Feast of the Guardian Angels

Deepertruth: Holy Face of Jesus Novena Day 2

Deepertruths lead today is 208914 Up from 208908 (1/1/2024)

Deepertruth holds at 67.% Average per post

The 4 Persons at 9% Average per post

Deepertruth stands at 214,344, The 4 Persons ends with 5435

Guardian Angels Day comes around once a year on October 2. It is a day that seeks to recognize the protective roles that guardian angels have in our lives.

Incorporate the Guardian Angel prayer into your daily prayer routine in the morning or at night. Have an “angel” themed meal. (Consider angel hair pasta with angel food cake for dessert! Or how about some chicken wings followed by angel wings for dessert?)

The feast of the guardian angels reminds us that we are not without spiritual help on our journey through life. The watchful care and intercession of the angels are but a reflection of the even greater watchful care and intercession of the Lord.

Originally this feast celebrated only St. Michael, and in some places was even a holy day of obligation. Eventually there arose a request to have a separate feast in honor of the guardian angels, those angelic spirits who are assigned by God to guide and protect each human soul.

each man has a guardian angel who stands before the face of the Lord. This guardian angel is not only a friend and a protector, who preserves from evil and who sends good thought; the image of God is reflected in the creature—angels and men—in such a way that angels are celestial prototypes of men.

From October 25, 2023 to 13 September 2024, Deepertruth gained 5376 points in 324 days, almost 12 months.  

The 4 Persons gained 2,889 points.

Deepertruth took the field during this period of time by 2,487 points.

Catholics all over the world strong in their Catholic faith they call out for "Deepertruth to Beat John Benko" and the 4 Persons

Philippians 4:13

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This verse reminds athletes that by relying wholly on God's strength, and not their own, they can overcome any obstacle. When an athlete faces a challenging situation, this verse serves as a powerful reminder that they are not alone.


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