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John Benko calls Our Lady of Medjugorgje "Satan"? Is that coming from the Vatican? No! Catholics should go for the Queen of Heaven, not the seers

The Vatican refers to the Virgin Mary in the alleged messages from Medjugorje as the "Queen of Peace". The Vatican also refers to the messages as "alleged messages" and emphasizes that they should not be taken as fact.

Here are some other things the Vatican has said about the alleged messages and apparitions from Medjugorje:

The Vatican has approved a "Note about the Spiritual Experience connected with Medjugorje" that recognizes the spiritual fruits of the alleged messages. 

  • The Vatican has granted Medjugorje a "Nulla Osta", which encourages pilgrimages to the area without entering into the question of the alleged apparitions. 

  • The Vatican has warned believers to visit Medjugorje for the Queen of Peace, not for the alleged seers. 

  • The Vatican has said that the messages call for conversion, peace, reconciliation, and a return to the sacraments. 

  • The Vatican has said that the messages also call for abandoning a worldly lifestyle and excessive attachment to worldly goods. 

  • Pope Francis grants approval for Medjugorje devotion - Vatican News

In Aug 2024, Pope Francis granted approval for devotions linked to Medjugorje: "The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the assent of Pope Francis, grants approval for devotion linked to Medjugorje, recognizing the abundant spiritual fruits received at the Sanctuary of the Queen of Peace

Pope Francis has approved a Catholic spiritual devotion centred in Medjugorje

Our Lady smiles and at the direct question of Mirjana, “What's your name?”, for the first time She says “I am the Blessed Virgin Mary”.

Pope Francis grants approval for Medjugorje devotion

The spiritual fruits of Medjugorje include:

  • Conversions

    Many people have discovered or rediscovered their faith, and some have returned to confession and sacramental communion

  • Vocations

    Many vocations have been confirmed


Many reconciliations between spouses have occurred, and marriage and family life have been renewed

Colleen Willard Documented Miraculous Healing

“Colleen suffered from an inoperable brain tumor that affected her pituitary gland and all of her fine and gross motor skills. She had rickets, her thyroid had completely dried up to the size of a raisin, and she had lupus, fibromyalgia, and nine other painful and deadly illnesses. In the last stages of cancer, Colleen’s suffering became so extreme that prayer was her only recourse. She went to Medjugorje thinking I only want to go and experience Blessed Mother and this holy place”.

Of the options I had, Medjugorje was one but only Satan has appeared there and I want to see somewhere Mary has appeared and I will see 3 of them. (John Benko)

“Dear children, God has sent me among you, to love you and encourage you to prayer and conversion, for peace in you and in your families and in the world. Little children, do not forget that true peace comes only through prayer, from God Who is your peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.” (With Ecclesiastical approval) ”


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