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The Catholic Defender: Dr. Gregory Thompson speaking to Catholic Youth

The following are some of the events Dr. Gregory Thompson has been sharing the Catholic Faith with Catholic School Children. What a blessing it is to see young people having a good time learning of the practical Faith in practice:

What an awesome day yesterday at St. Martins Catholic School. Some of you have asked for pictures to post for different reasons, and I am terrible about taking pictures, but this happens because of each of you saying yes to Mary for her Son, and some of you just to know one of the different things that happen at the Marian Association, the pictures are because of a wonderful principal Mr. Ed Mullholand.

After being with the school children, 255 of them and staff, another 30, the principal asked if he could take me to dinner and if I would stay for the PSR students and staff and some adults that might come over from the Stations of the Cross, so we were about to be with another 25-30 children and adults that night before we left. Jesus and Mary have been so wonderful in opening doors for souls. Keep all in prayer and continue to do what you can for the lives and souls of others, and thank you for seeking to Know, Love, and Serve Jesus at every opportunity. Love and prayers in Christ, To Jesus through Mary, GregoryMary

God bless, keep all covered in prayer, this was last week, was able to speak with each class at St. Josephs. I just had a high school and middle school in Joplin today and will speak to St. Mary's elementary tomorrow, please keep in prayer. the middle, high, and staff at both schools had some that were convicted, and your prayers are part of what happens. To Jesus through Mary, GregoryMary Help when you can. Love and prayers in Christ.

Good Afternoon Dr. Gregory,

I'm sorry I had not sent these to you yet, I was hoping to send the ones from the older kids along with mine but I don't have them yet. I attached the pictures I took in an amazon album below. I've never used Amazon to send photos before so if this does not work please let me know.

I am still going to get some pictures from one of the teachers at school with the older students and I will get them to you as soon as I can.

Thanks again, and we'll talk soon! Jennifer Martin

On Sun, Mar 31, 2019, 12:17 AM Gregory Mary <> wrote: Jennifer, God bless you my sister in Christ. Could you please send me some pictures from when I was at St. Joseph School. It was an awesome time to be with the staff and parents in the battle for the souls of our children. I pray all is well with you. To Jesus through Mary, Dr. GregoryMary Thompson

On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 11:48 AM Jennifer Martin <> wrote: Dr. Gregory,

My name is Jennifer Martin, my grandmother and I met with you this morning at St. Joseph's.

Attached is the picture of the rosary cross with the saint's relics. If you need additional pictures please let me know I can get them to you.

Also, I wanted to thank you again for coming last weekend and again today to talk to the kids. My son came up to me right after, gave me a hug and a kiss and said "thank you for sending me to St. Joe!" So his homework for the night is already half way done. They all seemed to really enjoy getting to look at and touch the relics, you know how hands on kids like to be. It was awesome! I took a bunch of pictures I will be sending you once I go through and weed out the bad ones.

Have a great day!

As Catholics, if we truly know the history of the Catholic Church, we understand the importance and the significance of a holy relic. This must be the year of coming to know our Catholic faith better and Relic Presentations. In our Jefferson City Diocese we were blessed to have a prayer service and special holy hour with the uncorrupted heart of St. John Vienne at our Cathedral.

On Thursday March 7th, 2019 our school got to experience a presentation on Relics and Eucharistic Miracles presented by Gregory Thompson. The Seniors and faculty members were in awe of the fact that we were in the presence and got to touch first and second class relics. Anyone attending the presentation could tell that Mr. Thompson is not only very knowledgeable about Eucharistic Miracles but is very passionate about His Catholic faith and his excitement to be able to travel throughout the country and hundreds of Catholic Schools to share their story!

Thank you Mr. Thompson for choosing us to share this rare opportunity!

Debbie Bolin

Sacred Heart School Campus Minister

On Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 12:24 AM Gregory Mary <> wrote: Nichole, I just put together a package of Crucifixes on Chains for some of your children. I believe I counted 14 and that is what I prepared to mail, but if I need to send more, please let me know. Also, if you could send a comment and one or two from the staff that would be great. Only a couple of sentences, and any pictures that you or staff took, all helps our ministry to touch souls for eternity. God bless, and I will get these in the mail next week. To Jesus through Mary, GregoryMary

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