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Igniting a Fire, Parish Mission, Branson and Nixa, March, 2019

Igniting a Fire, Parish Mission, Branson and Nixa, March, 2019

What did you like or appreciate?

* Speakers personal testimonies and practical ways to put the advice to use

* Vicki’s talk, I needed to hear it to be more aware of the Holy Spirit in my life, my family is reserved so I am still learning to let go and step off the ledge into Jesus’ hands. Dr. Thompson I really like, because he got serious about our obligations to us and others.

* All 4 were great presentations, thanks for relics and resource materials

* Speakers were very knowledgeable

* All this for free! Everything was excellent.

* Each speaker spoke to me and I am so blessed.

* Liked having the relics, nice addition. I found all four speakers insightful in their own way. John Carpenters sharing on the Marian apparitions, on what Mary said. Don Hartley the Catholic Defender is a great example to know and use our Catholic knowledge or get to know it. Vickie Smith personal testimonies of loving the one in front of you-outstanding! And Dr. Gregory, making the commitment to inspire us to help bring souls to God-offers encouragement to not pass on opportunities.

* I thought the speakers were excellent. I liked the topics and their presentations. A lot of good literature and materials.

* Wonderful talks from each of the 4 people, I wish I had a fraction of the knowledge of Don Hartley. Thank you all for sharing and giving inspiration.

* Content Good

* The speakers were very fulfilling. They were very challenging for me personally. They made me think.

* Everything was awesome. So glad it was here at my home parish. All the information. Study of the Rosary. This has been a “Catholic Revival” as the Catholic Defender, Donald Hartley called a "Catholic Mission"!

* I appreciate the opportunity to attend mini Marian functions. Presenters were/are wonderful. Thanks to St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church for hosting these 2 nights. Many thanks to Sheri Duncan for seeing to it that announcements were in all parish bulletins. Good timing, just before LENT.

* John Carpenter was great! Glad to hear words from blessed Mother! Glad Don Hartley knows scripture to be able to counter protestants, but to show them the verses about Mother Mary to win them to the Catholic Church.

* All talks were very informative and insightful. Great Stuff.

* I appreciate everything that was said, and will pray a lot more and harder, and thank you all so very much.

* The inspiration of healing and aspirations. The handouts both evenings. Good topics.

* Speakers. I love how you stressed the need to be more vocal as Catholics.

* The enthusiasm of the presenters.

* Only there second night, Dr. John was excellent. I am grateful for his Sunday e-mail Marian apparitions and his presentations included them, but it was wonderfully put together and I benefitted from hearing about them once again.

* Healing prayer. Books and handouts. Relic table. Honesty and Challenge of Catholicism (not lukewarm)

* Vicki & Healing-fantastic-She stayed and talked to everyone who wanted to talk to her.

* Gregory-Very inspiring & 1st class relics, very good speaker. John Carpenter-Marian apparitions.

* Don quoting from Scripture, Dr. Gregory encouraging Catholics in/to battle. Great presentation on apparitions. God variety of topics. Cookies were great.

* Videos along with talks.

* Appreciated the Topics, speakers, Relics, Music and vendors.

* Relics, passionate love and caring and truthful speaking. Vickie’s talk on listening to Spirit and love. Confession. John’s talk on Rosary. Best ever! Greg’s talk armor up and go with Mary. Donald’s talk and help and humor gave hope.

* Speakers, Relics, and Food.

* I absolutely enjoyed Mrs. Smith, she is an amazing witness. Dr. Gregory I heard in St. Louis in January so I had heard his witnessing but the Relics was something new which was very cool! Love John and Donald’s witnessing. Thank you for offering this opportunity.

* Honesty and truth about life and how we need Mary to help us get to Jesus.

* Carpenters talk on the Blessed Virgin Mary’s apparitions.

* Vickie Smith-Love the one in front of you-powerful. Dr. Thompson – thank you for leading us to a stronger commitment and for the relics.

* Vickie – you touched my heart!

* Visuals. The slide show. Food. Books.

* Interesting male speakers.

* I was there the 2nd night and really liked it. I enjoyed the speakers especially liked the presentation on Marian apparitions. I appreciated the books and being able to view the relics.

* All the speakers were nice and I got a lot of information out of it as a 12 yr. old.

* Topics and speakers.

* Dynamics of Lady speaker and how she taught to love the One and others. The life sharing of both speakers. The applied life sharing of both speakers.

* I liked having a variety of speakers. I appreciated the coffee break. I really enjoyed John Carpenter’s talk.

* The Relics and speakers.

* Very appreciative of finding out about this event. I was particularly impressed with Vicki’s talk on the Holy Spirit and love.

* Topics and speakers very good. Seating good and a nice 30 minute break, but extremely cold! Relics-excellent, John Carpenter was excellent., Vickie was very good, more time for individual prayer.

* The conference was very interesting and I enjoyed it. I very much interested in Vickie, I had an opportunity to speak with her, she was very helpful to me.

* Everything was fantastic! John Carpenter. Vickie can change a life! The others too, same thing, will touch every person in a different way, very personally!

* All topics, speakers, relics, and resources were great.

What would you like to see different or improved?

* It seemed the first night there was a lot of reading what was on a slide. I would prefer less ‘reading to us’ and more interpretation/explanation/application of the information

* Nothing! I did have a wee bit of trouble with understanding Dr. Thompson, but my 52 year old hearing has that issue LOL, thanks for offering the literature.

* One slide was unnecessary

* Nothing I can think of.

* Let’s schedule this for next year.

* Lot of sitting time, but glad I came. Maybe shorter talks but it may be hard to cover material.

* I don’t know of anything that needs to change. Good Conference

* Very Good JOB!

* Promotion-I think the conference needs to be promoted more.

* More attendance at our Sunday Rosary Service.

* Yes good title, Catholic Mission, Good idea about scripture references typed out in a handout. It could be warmer in here. Open & close with prayer.

* Keep having the Marian Conferences! Glad Joplin will have one in June! I’m from Joplin, Can we get Fr. Wade Menezes with the Fathers of Mercy?

* Handouts with all material.

* More of this.

* Shorter segments, more Q&A

* More everything. Email feeds with conference info and prayers. Email blast.

* Speakers some talk low at the end of topic.

* Handouts Scripture References

* Maybe add description of speakers, and topics on handout for bulletins for churches. Maybe develop a website to list Marian Conference speakers to reference in bulletins. Add things for younger group??? More Mary study, life, works.

* Not so much drama during healing talk. Seemed unreal and not Catholic?

* More about: How to pray: when and where to pray: How to improve my own attitude about the evil in the world and promoting positiveness.

* Thanks to Father David

* Good job! Thank you for all you do!

* More comedy. I am young so of course.

* Handouts with references

* Adding more almost always works. Also maybe more descriptions and visuals.

* Nothing! Very Good

* Would have been nice to have a priest here for even a quick appearance. More Mary talks.

* One speaker, please do not add a political comment on an otherwise good talk.

* Coming from Springfield, I just happened to come to Mass Sunday, and if I could say anything it would be to get the world out. Thanks so much.

* More programs like this!! Handout with Bible verses on Don Hartley’s talk.

* I kind of wish I had had more time to talk to each person. Maybe not necessary more time for snack but time to talk.

* I got very tired but can’t think of anything I would have wanted to miss. I pray the Rosary, but will pray more!!

* I would not change anything, but we need more of these.

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