The Guardian Angel: Eucharistic Miracle of Argentina, 1996 Revisited
Editors Note: This story will air on Deepertruth Radio Live August 24, 2016 8:30 P.M. From then on it will be available on archive.
Please share with those you love, because of the Holy Spirit working through this pope the lives of hundreds of millions of Catholics were affected. Then step into some details about a Eucharistic Miracle that happened in the last 20 years, some things you may not be aware of, but also can affect those you love. This can be major in the lives of those God puts into your path, please share. Love and prayers in Christ. To the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful & Immaculate Heart of Mary, GregoryMary
The following is taken from "Catholics Striving For Holiness"
August 21: St. PIUS X. “Instaurare omnia in Christo” (Restore all things in Christ). Pope of the Blessed Sacrament.
Though St. Pius X's memorial falls on a Sunday this year, it is worthwhile remembering Him and asking his intercession to help us grow in our faith and love for Jesus Christ and His Church.
On June 2, 1835, Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto was born in Riesi, Province of Treviso, in Venice; on August 20, 1914, he saw the light of heaven; and on May 29, 1954, he who had become the two hundred fifty-ninth pope was canonized St. Pius X.
Pope Pius X was born from a poor family, being the 2nd among 10 siblings. In spite of their poverty, his parents valued the education of their children. Giuseppe walked 6 kilometers daily to school.
On 10 November 1884 he was appointed bishop of Mantua by Leo XIII. Father Sarto required papal dispensation from Pope Leo XIII before episcopal consecration as he lacked a doctorate, making him the last Pope without a doctorate. Pope Leo XIII made him a cardinal in an open consistory on 12 June 1893. Three days after this, Cardinal Sarto was privately named Patriarch of Venice.
Interesting to note is that when he became Bishop and later Cardinal, then Pope, he preferred to live in poverty. His last will and testament bears the striking sentence: "I was born poor, I have lived in poverty, and I wish to die poor."
• Right after his election, when he wore a pectoral cross made of gilded metal on the day of his coronation and when his entourage was horrified, the new pope complained that he always wore it and that he had brought no other with him. He was well known for cutting down on papal ceremonies. He also abolished the custom of the pope dining alone and the pope invited his friends to eat with him
• He rejected any kind of favors for his family; his brother remained a postal clerk, his favorite nephew stayed on as village priest, and his three single sisters lived together close to poverty in Rome, in the same way as other people of the same humble background lived.
Among the many OUTSTANDING ACCOMPLISHMENTS of this saintly Pope were the following:
• He worked to increase devotion in the lives of the clergy and laity, particularly in the Breviary, which he reformed considerably, and the Holy Mass.
• He also restored the Gregorian Chant.
• On 1905, Pius X mandated the existence of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (catechism class) in every parish in the world. The Catechism of Pius X is his realization of a simple, plain, brief, popular catechism for uniform use throughout the whole world.
• He placed a renewed liturgical emphasis on the Eucharist, saying, "Holy Communion is the shortest and safest way to Heaven." To this end, he encouraged frequent reception of Holy Communion. This also extended to children who had reached the "age of discretion". His devotion to the Holy Eucharist gained him the name the “Pope of the Blessed Sacrament”.
• He had sought to revive the inheritance of Thomas Aquinas, 'the marriage of reason and revelation', as a response to secular 'enlightenment'. Under the pontificate of Pius X neo-Thomism became the blueprint for an approach to theology. Pius X's papacy featured vigorous condemnation of what he termed 'modernists' and 'relativists' whom he regarded as dangers to the Catholic faith. This paved way to giving a great impetus to Biblical studies.
• During his time, Canon Law in the Catholic Church varied from region to region with no overall prescriptions. For this reason, on 19 March 1904, Pope Pius X named a commission of cardinals to draft a universal set of laws that was to be the Code of Canon Law for most of the twentieth century. Two of his successors worked in the commission, G. della Chiesa, who became Pope Benedict XV and Eugenio Pacelli, who became Pope Pius XII. The first-ever definitive Code of Canon Law was promulgated by Benedict XV on 27 May 1917, obtained the force of law on 19 May 1918 and was in effect until Advent 1983.
• “INSTAURARE OMNIA IN CHRISTO” (To renew all things in Christ) is the motto of his entire papacy and the motive behind all his actions, leading him to renew the life and customs of the entire Catholic Church and safeguard Her from the dangers of modernism and relativism, all carried out for love of Jesus Christ and the flock entrusted to him by God.
+++ Dear friends, let us ask God through the intercession of the holy Pope, St. Pius X, we may also learn how to “restore all things in Christ” by putting Him in the summit of all noble earthly realities, for love of God and His Glory in the ordinary activities of our daily life.
‘”Oh God, who to safeguard the Catholic faith and to restore all things in Christ, filled Pope Saint Pius X with heavenly wisdom and apostolic fortitude, graciously grant that, following his teaching and example, we may gain an eternal prize. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Deepertruth is committed to bring you the best information testifying to the truth of the Blessed Sacrament. We are living in a trying time where faith is waning for so many and attacks are ramping up by those who think they know the truth. Like King David instructs Solomon with his last breath, "Be Strong and show yourself to be a man, and keep the charge of the Lord...," we too need to hold fast to our Holy Catholic Faith that comes to us from Jesus.
Eucharistic Miracle of Argentina, 1996
This is the account given by Professor Castañon regarding the Eucharistic Miracle that occurred in 1996 still in the Parish of Saint Mary: “On August 15, 1996, a faithful received the consecrated Host in his hands to take communion but he let it inadvertently fall to the ground and thought not to pick it up because it seemed “dirty” to him. Another person, more pious, noticed what had happened, picked it up and placed it apart immediately informing the priest, Father Alejandro Pezet. The priest, following the directives of the Church in these circumstances. put the Host in a vessel full of water which he placed in the tabernacle awaiting that it would dissolve.”
On August 26 the tabernacle was reopened to get the vessel with the fallen Host, and it was observed that it was not dissolved and showed several reddish stains that became larger each day. The priests of the parish went immediately to the Archbishop of Buenos Aires to recount what had happened. It was decided to wait before proceeding with the investigations and in 1999, after the Archbishop was made aware of the fact that I was performing for free these scientific investigations, he entrusted me to take up the case.
On October 6, 1999, I went to Buenos Aires and interviewed the 5 priests’ witnesses of the event who told me that there had been another consecrated Host which had bled in May of 1992. They had put it in distilled water which is the worst way to preserve something and for this I was very concerned. Everyone knows that when one draws blood it is possible to obtain the leukocyte formula (white blood cells). In blood there is a variety of white blood cells with specific characteristics.
The priests, in the first miracle, had asked one of their lady parishioners who was a chemist to analyze the bleeding Host. She discovered that it was human blood and that it presented the entire leukocyte formula. She was very surprised to observe that the white blood cells were active. The lady doctor could not however do the genetic examination since at that time it was not easy to perform it. I brought a sample from the 2 Hosts which had bled, before the archiepiscopal notary who certified the legality of that action, as requested by the authorities of the Church in Argentina.
I would like to point out that before inviting me, the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires had already contacted the Holy See to ask for references about me. These were given by H.E. Most Rev. Gianfranco Girotti, who then was under-secretary at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and direct collaborator of Cardinal Ratzinger.
On October 21 I went to the Forensic Analytical genetics laboratory in San Francisco, which was supposed to perform the analysis of the samples that I had brought. On January 28 of 2000 they found some fragments of human DNA in the samples, it was human blood that contained the human genetic code. In March of 2000 I was informed that also the famous legal histopathologist Dr. Robert Lawrence, one of the top experts in tissues, would participate in this analysis. I feared for the participation of Dr. Robert Lawrence because this would have required some substantial costs which I would have had to bear myself, but I was told that they desired his collaboration because in the samples they had found some substances which resembled human tissues. Dr. Lawrence studied the samples and found in them human skin and white blood cells. In December of 2000 Dr. Lawrence told me that he could have obtained other samples of DNA.
In 2001 I went with my samples to Professor Linoli who identified the white blood cells and said to me that most probably the samples corresponded to heart tissue. The results obtained from the samples were similar to those of the studies performed on the Host of the Miracle of Lanciano.
In 2002 we sent the sample to Professor John Walker at the University of Sydney in Australia who confirmed that the samples showed muscle cells and intact white blood cells and everyone knows that white blood cells outside our body disintegrate after 15 minutes and in this case 6 years had already passed.”
In September of 2003 I went again to Professor Robert Lawrence who confirmed that in the light of the new investigations one could conclude that the sample could correspond to the tissue of an inflamed heart. The studies therefore had demonstrated that these tissues were of an inflamed heart: this meant that the person to whom they belonged must have suffered a lot.
To clarify our doubts, on March 2, 2004 we went to the greatest expert in cardiac pathologies and forensic medicine of the heart, Professor Frederick Zugibe of New York, at Columbia University. The professor however did not know that the sample I had brought to him came from a consecrated Host. ‘The sample which you brought me - Professor Zugibe said to me - is the muscle of the heart, of the myocardium, it is precisely the left ventricle’ and he confirmed that my patient had suffered a lot. Then I asked him: ‘Doctor, why has my patient suffered a lot?’ He answered me: ‘Because your patient has some thrombi, at certain moments he could not breathe, oxygen did not reach him, he labored and suffered much because every aspiration was painful. Probably they gave him a blow at the level of the chest.
Moreover the heart showed dynamic activity (alive) at the moment when you brought me the sample.’ ‘Why, I ask him?’ ‘Because we found some intact white blood cells and white blood cells are transported only by the blood and thus if white blood cells are here it is because at the moment in which you brought me the sample it was pulsating.’
The professor then asked to whom this sample belonged and when we told him that it came from a consecrated Host he exclaimed: ‘I do not believe it.’ He was greatly moved. The same professor had shown to us in a book the case of one of his patients who showed the same lesions, similar to those of the sample that we had brought to him. The myocardium is the muscle that gives life to the whole heart and to our body.
Rightly a theologian made me note that the fact that it was really the myocardium, was not casual but it concealed a symbolism. The Lord in this miracle wanted to show us his myocardium, which is the muscle that gives life to the whole heart, just as the Eucharist does with the Church. And why the left ventricle? Because from it comes the purified blood and Jesus is the one Who purifies his Church from her sins.
‘Doctor - Professor Zugibe said to me again, at the moment in which you brought me this sample, this heart was alive!’ His report was sent out on March 26, 2005, 5 years and a half after the start of the studies and the conclusions were: ‘They are tissues of the heart, undergoing degenerative changes of the myocardium and these changes are due to the fact that the cells are inflamed and it is the left ventricle of the heart.’” On March 17, 2006 I brought the results to Cardinal Jorge Maria Bergoglio.
When challenged for a sign (John 6:30) Jesus gave these words to the people:
So Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.56 He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me. This is the bread which came down from heaven, not such as the fathers ate and died; he who eats this bread will live for ever." John 6:53-58
This video brought tears to my eyes just watching and listening to it. If you have family and friends who have left the Catholic Faith, please have them watch this video.