The Guardian Angel: Eucharistic Miracle of Paris 1290
The Awesome gift for each of us is the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. That is for sure, read the following Scripture where Jesus speaks, and then see what Satan causes to happen by a man in Paris, followed by what Jesus does through a woman also from France. Share these stories far and wide as you take the highest law of the Church seriously, Salvation of Souls.
"Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, 'Take, eat; this is my body.' And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, 'Drink of it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.'" (Mt. 26:26-28)
Eucharistic Miracle of Paris

During Easter of 1290 a non-believer who harbored animosity toward the Faith and who did not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist was able to gain possession of a consecrated Host with the intent to desecrate the Holy Eucharist. He stabbed the Host and threw the Blessed Sacrament into boiling water. The Host miraculously came out of the water right in front of the man, who was distressed by this. And so he put the Host in the basin of a pious woman. The woman immediately brought the Host to her pastor.
There are numerous documents that testify to the events of this miracle. The Italian historian Giovanni Villani in Book VII, Chapter 136, of his celebrated History of Florence reports all the principal facts of the miracle. A deep study of the sources was done by Mrs. Moreau-Rendu in a work entitled. A Paris, Rue des Jardins published in 1954 with a preface by Bishop Touzé who was the Auxiliary Bishop of Paris.
The author, after a detailed list of the documents, placed them under rigorous examination and declared with confidence the authenticity of the facts. The best known version of the story is found in the History of the Church of Paris written by the French archbishop, Archbishop Rupp, who tells of the Eucharistic miracle of Paris in the pages dedicated to the episcopate of Simon Matifas of Busay who held the See of St. Denis from 1290 to 1304:
“Easter Sunday, April 2, 1290, a man named Jonathas, who hated the Catholic Faith and did not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, was able to gain possession of a consecrated Host. “The man stabbed the Host with a knife and the Host began to bleed. The Blood filled the container in which he had placed the Host. Panic-stricken, the man decided to throw the Blessed Sacrament into the fire, but the Host miraculously arose from the fire. Desperate, he threw the Eucharist into boiling water and the Host arose from the water, hovering in mid-air, and then taking the form of a crucifix. Finally, he deposited the Holy Eucharist in the bowl of a parishioner of SaintJean-en–Grève who brought the Blessed Sacrament to her parish priest.
Over the centuries, the Sacred Relic remained in a small reliquary in the church of Saint-Jean. During the French Revolution the Precious Relic was lost without a trace.” Here are some other equally significant facts: The ecclesiastical authorities, the people and the king decided to transform the home of the one who desecrated the Sacred Host into a chapel in which the Holy Eucharist would be kept; the confiscation of the house of Jonathas, called “The House of Miracles” by King Phillip the Fair which was registered in a bill of sale from 1291; the transformation of the house into an oratory after the Bull that was obtained from Pope Boniface VIII; the name of the “Rue du Dieu bouilli” (The Street of God-boiled) given by the people of Paris to the “Rue des Jardins”; the Eucharistic celebration in the Chapel des Billettes of the Department of the Reparation on the second Sundays of Advent and Lent.
Martha Robin * France

French philosopher Jean Guitton left us a forceful witness on Marthe Robin: “She was a peasant of the French countryside, who for thirty years took neither food nor drink, nourishing herself instead on the Eucharist alone, and every Friday she relived the pains of the Passion of Jesus through her stigmata. A woman who perhaps was the most unusual, most extraordinary and disconcerting of our age, but whom even in the age of television remained unknown to the public, buried in a profound silence… From our first meeting, I understood that Marthe Robin would have been a ‘sister of charity,’ always, as she was for thousands of visitors.”
Marthe Robin was born on March 13, 1902, in Châteauneuf-de-Galaure (Drôme), in France, to a family of peasants, and she spent her entire life in her parents’ home, where she died February 6, 1981. Marthe’s entire existence revolved around the Eucharist, which for her was “the one thing that cures, comforts, lifts, blesses, my Everything.”
In 1928, after a serious neurological illness, Marthe found it almost impossible to move, especially to swallow because those muscles were affected. Moreover, due to an eye illness, she was forced to live in almost absolute darkness.

According to her spiritual director, Father Don Finet: “When she received the stigmata, in early October 1930, Marthe had already lived with the pains of the Passion since 1925, the year in which she offered herself as a victim of love.
That day, Jesus said she was chosen, like the Virgin, to live the Passion more intensely. No one else would experience it so completely. Every day she has endured more pain, and at night she does not sleep. After the stigmata, Marthe was not able to drink or eat. The ecstasy lasted until Monday or Tuesday.”
Marthe Robin accepted all the sufferings for love of Jesus the Redeemer and the sinners He wanted to save. The great philosopher Jean Guitton, recalling his meeting with the visionary, wrote: “I found myself in that dark room of hers, confronted by the best-known contemporary critics of the Church: Novelist Anatole France (a critic whose books were condemned by the Vatican) and Dr. Paul-Louis Couchoud, a disciple of Alfred Loisy (an excommunicated priest whose books were condemned by the Vatican) and author of a number of books denying the historical reality of Jesus.
From our first meeting, I understood that Marthe Robin would have been a ‘sister of charity’ always, as she was for thousands of visitors.” In fact, beyond the extraordinary mystical phenomena, extremely significant was the work of evangelization that Marthe managed to accomplish, despite her condition, thanks to the help of Father Finet, with whom she founded sixty “Foyers of Charity” groups (centers or homes of light, charity and love) throughout the world.