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The Catholic Defender The Deepertruth Mutiny found on Wagon Train

The above story on Wagon Train Characters are played out as follows

Donald Hartley Trail Boss as Chris Hail Wagon Master

Gregory Thompson Ram-Rod as Bill Hawks Wagon Ram-Rod

John Carpenter Scout as Duke Shannon Wagon Scout

Mike Sheeran as Charlie Brooster Wagon Cook

Cathy Shoonveld as Hannah Barber Woman on the Wagon Train

The Vatican Commission as the Army Captain

Anti-Medjugorje (Benko, Coffin, Foley) as the Comancheros

John Benko as Amos Man on the Wagon Train

The Virgin Mary as Ronaldo Ortaga's Mother

Sometimes Leadership takes courage when mutiny and dissension is taking place.

We have to hold fast to Our Catholic Faith, sometimes we must show patience, even when being attacked.

Back to business, thanks to the Vatican Commission, the Benko attacks are over.

MISSION: The United States Grace Force (USGF) is a “special operations force” specifically trained in spiritual warfare and intercessory prayer. The USGF capabilities include the large-scale use of powerful supernatural weapons (sacramentals, etc.) and prayers. While there are various special operations, the primary mission of the USGF is to implore God’s protection and blessing on our nation, especially imploring God’s protection


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