The Catholic Defender responds to Scared Stupid character John Benko
JOHN BENKO loses to Deepertruth AGAIN
T4P lost the overnight numbers verses Deepertruth 17 to 6, 11 2/2024
John Benko Suffers Another Major Defeat again at the hands of Deepertruth as the 4 Persons continue to lose listeners 17 to 6, 11 2/2024 What seperates me from John Benko is that he can't tell the truth, he fabricates the truth to make him feel relevant
I am the true founder of T4P by firing John Scared Stupid Benko from Deepertruth. Benko established T4P as of his being banished. That is why John Scared Stupid has lost his direction.

Donald Hartley (on the left in the photo) rightly pointed out his long and "distinguished" military career. I thought I should give a proper salute to it.
Don't think that Scared Stupid John Benko is honoring the military but he disrespects the military as he is woke?
There was a time before John Scared Stupid respected my experience in the Middle East, that was until Satan entered into his heart, mind, and soul.
Afterall, the fact that Hartley dug ditches and cleaned latrines all over the middle east, might possibly qualify him for service as an apologist if he can stop openly defying church prohibitions and stalking children. Also, it might help if he could figure out how to write an intelligible sentence.
I done far more than cleaning latrines and digging ditches and foxholes. John Benko is the one who is openly deying church prohibitions falsely accusing and lying to mention among other things. I never staked any children, but saved many of them from harm. I wish I could have helped save Benko's own children since he did not.
    All that aside, it is important to bring up that, while serving in Abu Gharib, Donald Hartley openly and publicly endorsed torture. Just thought I'd point that out for those of you who might have made the mistake of thinking this is an honorable man.....or even a man at all
Another example of the lie that is John Benko, the Scared Stupid charecter, the troll. I was at Abu Gharib, but not during the time of the torture Benko refers to. I was sent there to clean up the problem creating an SOP that changed the direction of the war. When ever we captured prisoners of war, I made sure that there was no torture. As a result Al Qaeda lost their persuasion decreasing attacks upon American Soldiers. Iraqi's began to switch sides wanting to join us in fighting the enemy. I helped save many lives both Americans and civilians.
John Scared Stupid Benko thinks he is honorable by continuing to falsely accuse. Like a typical Democrat, Benko will accuse others for what he himself is guilty of. My Children are the product of a father who protected his children. three of them served in the military, involved with over 20 deployments in the middle east. Also my youngest is in England doing well.
At this moment, T4P has one listen so far 5637 from 5636. Deepertruth broke the 215 thousand plateau currently is at 215004. Tonight the winner will be presented with the final tally. John Scared Stupid cannot fudge the numbers.