The Catholic Defender: Novena to Blessed Michael Mcgivney, Day 4 – Founder ofthe Knights of Columbus

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity! (Ps 133:1)
Intention: For Catholic men and their families.
Virtue: Charity, unity and fraternity.
The Knights of Columbus grew out of Father McGivney’s personal experience.
He knew frsthand the hardships families faced when the father of a family died young.
He saw Catholic men lured by secret societies that promised brotherhood and financial benefits but whose practices were contrary to the Catholic faith.
Yet he also knew the strength and character of Catholic men who kept their faith and worked hard to support their families.
A priest of deep prayer and practical action, Father McGivney called together the accomplished, “go-ahead” Catholic men of New Haven for a meeting in the basement of St. Mary’s Church.
They were to form a new society that would support men in the faith and assist widows and orphans when a member passed away.
Summing up the mission of the Knights of Columbus, he wrote, “‘Unity and charity’ is our motto. Unity in order to gain strength to be charitable to each other in benevolence whilst we live and in bestowing financial aid to those whom we have to mourn.”
The members of the Order today carry out his vision and mission through a charity that evangelizes, a charity that answers the simple question that lies at the heart of each person:
How am I to live, and whom am I to serve? Father McGivney answered these questions with his personal witness of practical sanctity and charity, and his Knights continue to this day to follow in his footsteps through lives devoted to charity, unity and fraternity.
For the pursuit of holiness among members of the Knights of Columbus, that according to Father McGivney’s vision, Catholic men may step forward to lead, serve and sacrice.
Grant our prayer, Lord, through the intercession of Blessed Michael McGivney.
For the continued growth of the Knights of Columbus, that many more men may commit to their faith and protect the nancial future of their families through membership in the Order.
Grant our prayer, Lord, through the intercession of Blessed Michael McGivney