The Catholic Defender: The Virgin Mary in WIGRATZBAD, GERMANY

Beloved Lady of Victory. In 1919, after Antonie Radler contracted the Spanish influenza, the Blessed Virgin appeared to her, laid her hands on her, and healed her. Later she was imprisoned and was freed through the intercession of Our Lady who appeared to Cecilia Geyer, who she asked that a chapel be built.
At Wigratzbad in Swabia (southern Germany), on February 22, 1938, around 6:30 am, the Virgin appeared to Caecilia Geyer and said:
"Build a chapel for me here and I will trample the head of the infernal serpent. People will come here in droves, and I will pour torrents of graces upon them … Go now, before the Blessed Sacrament to worship my Divine Son."
"Where should I go? At this time, the Blessed Sacrament is nowhere exposed," I answered… Then, before my astonished eyes a chapel appeared at the place that had been designated. Inside, on the altar, Jesus was enthroned in a magnificent monstrance which projected marvelous rays of dazzling light from all sides."
Wigratzbad had already received a visit from the Virgin Mary in 1936, when she appeared to a sick woman, Antonie Radler, who was miraculously cured in the octave of the Immaculate Conception, on December 15, 1936. Since then, Our Lady has been venerated under the title of The Immaculate Conception, Mother of Victory.
I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head.’
(Gen. 3:15)
“Since the devil is the head of original sin, this head it was that Mary crushed: for sin never had any entry into the soul of this Blessed Virgin, which was consequently free from all stain.” (Saint Augustine)
Our Lady of Victory, I beg you to present my petition to your divine Son. If you will pray for me, you will not be refused, for your prayers before God are all powerful. Through your hands I offer to God every suffering I must bear.
O Victorious Lady! Thou who has ever such powerful influence with Thy Divine Son, in conquering the hardest of hearts, intercede for those for whom we pray, that their hearts being softened by the rays of Divine Grace, they may return to the unity of the true Faith, through Christ, our Lord.
In 1919 Antoine Radler was visited by the Virgin Mary she put her hands on her and immediately healed her of the Spanish Flu. Later Antoine was visited by the Gestapo in her father’s shop.
She was ordered to take down a painting of the Virgin Mary in the shop and replace it with one of Hitler. She refused to take down the picture she also refused to say Heil Hitler. For her resistance to them she was persecuted by the Nazis but saved when they attempted to kill her by a mysterious man on a bike who she felt had been her guardian angel.
For her refusal to honor Hitler, Antoine was put in prison. In gratitude for her life being spared her parents built a small grotto to honor Mary in their garden.
Twice Antoine received the message: “Beloved Lady of Victory, conceived without sin, pray for us.” A chapel was built and a woman named Cecilia was praying inside when suddenly she was transported to the grotto. She said to her: “ Build me a chapel here. I shall crush the head of the infernal serpent with my feet. People will come here in large numbers, I will pour flowing graces over them. St Joseph, St Anthony and the souls in Purgatory will assist Antoine.” Mary told her to go and adore my Son in the blessed sacrament. Cecilia said where? Suddenly a chapel appeared and an altar with a beautiful monstrance spreading rays of light in all directions. Antoine was released from prison on December 18, 1941.
Source: The Miracle Hunter: Marian Apparitions::Wigratzbad, Germany 1919, 1936,