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Deepertruth: John Benko continues to be exposed. He claims a # 6 Podcast on BTR, yet Deepertruth helped on this podcast

John Benko on his web-site that he has a #6 show on Blog Talk Radio, yet Deepertruth helped on this podcast

Richard Pettys Jr. asked if when I post the daily results if I would include the link to go with his podcast since it was a devotion I readily agreed. So Benko is claiming credit that I take part of the responsibility.

Going back to 8/18,2924, when the podcast reached to the # 6 spot. That same Day, Deepertruth won the day 31 to 11.

The Catholic Defender: John Benko Suffers Defeat Again At The Hands of Deepertruth 31 to 11, 8/18/2024.

John Benko rallied his troops to try to off set the victories posted by Deepertruth. but again fell far short of the mark.

KEN LITCHFIELD began the scoring for The 4 Persons with a talk ABOUT THE SACRAMENTS-Holy Orders

Richard Pettys Jr.  followed up with his podcast Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Saint of the Day and Daily Update 2024.08.18

 The 4 Persons continued with their EXPOSITION ON THE BOOK OF REVELATION- PART VII

The 4 Persons ended their scoring with a podcast "They will both be shocked" on Matthew 25

Deepertruth continued their dominance today over John Benko's The 4 Persons through following podcasts:

Novena to Our Lady of the Assumption Day 2

Apostolic Succession, Authority

God's Authority Handed Down

Deepertruths lead today is 208370 Up from 208350 (8/17/224)

Deepertruth holds at 69% Average per post

The 4 Persons at 10% Average per post

Deepertruth stands at 213,543, The 4 Persons ends with 5173

In today's rankings, Donald Hartley the child molester is #18 while John Benko the Catholic champion is #6.

As an added insult, his wife's face looks like her neck threw up??????????????

If Hartley thought he had a #1 show, he wouldn't spend all his time obsessing about me

The fact is that Hartley knows he is a wannabee in every way.

He is a pathetic piece of shit and he knows it.?????????????

Donald Hartley is even stupider than we thought (which is mind boggling)

Below are today's rankings in the Christian category on Blogtalk radio

#7 through #12 completes the front page...without Hartley the Pedophile??????????????

How is a 17 month old show like John Benko's The 4 Persons beating the utter snot out of Donald Hartley's 15 year old show?

It's simple:

  1. Hartley is a pedophile and everyone knows it

  2. Hartley is a psychopath and everyone knows it.

  3. Hartley has the IQ of a brick and everyone knows it.

  4. The only traffic Deeper Truth gets are hits on the 10 year old shows that I did and everyone knows it.

Kicking Hartley's's what John Benko does every day.

Lets bring this up to date shall we!

Deepertruths lead today is 208370 Up from 208350 (8/17/224)

Deepertruth holds at 69% Average per post

The 4 Persons at 10% Average per post

Deepertruth stands at 213,543, The 4 Persons ends with 5173

Since 08/18/2024 till today, Deepertruth gains 438 compared to 170 for T4P. That is a 268 differential in Favor of Deepertruth

Notice that John Benko makes false misleading statments against me falsely calling me a "Pedophile", a "psychopath" and he wants to get under my skin much like Kamala Harris did in the debate, she offered nothing in the debate, Much like Benko attacking my wife

BTW, the earlier shows that Benko joined me in the beginning, were gone as soon as I fired him from Deepertruth!

Today I concluded two podcasts responding to the evil of John Benko, his vulgar language, his abusive lies, This will be a third podcast this one tomorrow.


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