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The Catholic Defender: I went to see Abby Johnson's "Unplanned" Movie

Tonight I went to the AMC Theater in Overland Park Kansas to see the movie "Unplanned"! I went for a variety of reasons, one, I am very "Pro-Life" and have played a part opposing Abortion everywhere that I have been. I remember Abby Johnson going back to 2011, that year Easter Vigil she was received into the Catholic Faith.

Also, because the Liberal Media tried to drown out the importance of the Movie, I just had to go to show they have zero impact with me.

The following is what I had written of Abby Johnson when she spoke at a Killeen Texas Rally:

"Recently, Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood leader, published a book called "Unplanned". This is basically her story and how she found her new faith. This upcoming Easter Vigil, the one time head of the largest Planned Parenthood's Abortion Mill, will be received into the Catholic Church. Abby Johnson gave her talk this past week here in Texas just right outside of the Fort Hood Area. There was a large crowd there to hear her speak. Mrs. Johnson was very inspiring as she challenged us to pick up the battle against Abortion.

She lamented that few Pastors were speaking out against abortion from the pulpit. She gave the testimony how she grew up in a "pro-life" family, but abortion and the evil of it were seldom mentioned. She never heard it from the pulpit giving any kind of direction. Mrs. Johnson reported that 78% of those getting abortions come from "Christians". The need today is for people of good will to become more involved in the battle to save lives. The Pulpit should be a place where life should be preached. She did have some good information to report. In the course of this past year there were 9 Abortion clinics closed down. Here in Killeen Texas, there were 101 babies saved when Mother's who had planned to have an abortion changed their minds. The Pro-life center which sits next door to the Abortion Mill reached out to 4300 women who were abortion minded.

It is interesting to note that while in the Abortion Mill they cannot refer to the child as a "baby". The Abortion Mill places a value on the child. It is about $450 dollars. Then it's cut down and gone. Coming soon to 247 cities across America, 40 Days of Life will renew it's plan to be out on the front lines to be a sign for life. Mrs. Abby Johnson will be in Missouri next and Dr. Gregory Thompson of Deepertruth will be there to greet her."

Since this time, the Abortion Mill in Killeen Texas also closed down. I would regularly go there to pray the Rosary, but I would also carry a 8 by 6 ft. cross praying the Stations of the Cross. I would walk with that cross what I called "The Walk of Jericho" spiritually circulating around the Mill seven times.

Through Deepertruth and the "40 Days of Life" and Facebook, I've had the chance of seeing great people who have done much for the Pro-life cause. Joseph Martone JR who at last count had helped save 700 unborn children to include saving runaways from Pimps, being run down by angry drivers, to Planned Parenthood's henchmen out to attack Pro-Lifers.

Judy Alciatore, Dr. Gregory Thompson, Kathy Forck, Cynthia Morales, Donna Lee and Mark Kiser is a short list who are playing a part with Deepertruth and the Pro-Life cause.

The Movie, "Unplanned" was fantastic, despite the Media's blackout of the movie, it is more than doubling it's expected gross. This past weekend the movie was in the top five!

I encourage anyone here to go see the movie and to bring a friend. If anyone is sitting on the fence on the issue of Abortion, this could have a real impact. Probably why the media's blackout.

Father in heaven, we thank you for the precious gift of human life to our first parents, Adam and Eve, and to every human being down the centuries till today.

In your Divine Providence, you have made us your collaborators in the transmission of this gift and in preserving it from the moment it is conceived till it is transformed into life eternal.

We beg pardon for those who suffocate human life in unborn babies, who eliminate it violently with enmity and hatred, or who suppress it prematurely in the elderly and the terminally ill.

Grant us so to cherish human life that we shall always respect and defend it, especially within the sacred shrine of the family where it is born and nurtured. We promise to use the gift of life with gratitude and care at all times and in every place.

We make this prayer to You, our loving Father, through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Life, in the Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life, and the name of Jesus Christ, your Son, who came that we may have life in abundance. Amen

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