The Guardian Angel: The Eucharistic Miracle of Regensburg
Is there a loss of Supernatural Faith by Shepherds at all levels, as much confusion is sowed in the lives of the faithful in the pews. Scandal from all quarters seems to be coming from the hieraracy of the Church putting many souls at risk. God bless all the faithful Catholics who want to do what is right in God's eyes, may the Holy Spirit enlighten them to HIS truth, and may the Lord clean up HIS Church. Love and prayers in Christ, GregoryMary
In the Eucharistic miracle of Regensburg, a priest was assailed by doubts concerning the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist during the Holy Mass. At the moment he was elevating the chalice, the wooden crucifix above the tabernacle came to life, and the Lord slowly extended his arms to the priest, took the chalice from his hands and exhibited the Holy Eucharist for adoration of the faithful.
On Holy Thursday, March 25, 1255, a priest of Ratisbonne was taking Holy Viaticum to a dying patient when, upon entering the city, he suddenly found himself before a stream overflowing because of an unexpected storm. To allow the people to pass from one bank to the other, they had placed a simple plank of wood. While crossing it, the priest slipped and dropped the ciborium containing the consecrated Hosts.
As an act of reparation, the priest, the faithful, and the civil authority decided the same day to construct a chapel on the site of the accident. On September 8, 1255, Bishop Albert consecrated the chapel in honor of the Savior, to which the Blessed Sacrament was carried in solemn procession. From that moment the sanctuary began to be frequented by numerous faithful.
Two years later an extraordinary event confirmed the holiness of the place. A priest was celebrating the Holy Mass in the little chapel, when he was struck by doubt regarding the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. He delayed, therefore, in elevating the chalice and suddenly heard a light noise come from the altar.
From the wooden crucifix above the altar, the Lord slowly extended his arms to the priest, took the chalice from his hands and exhibited the Blessed Sacrament for the adoration of the faithful. The priest, repentant, fell to his knees and begged forgiveness for having doubted. The Lord returned the chalice to him as a sign of pardon.
The miraculous crucifix is still preserved to this © 2006, Istituto San Clemente I Papa e Martire / Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association Origin Chapel of the miracle The Crucifix of the miracle Antique print depicting the miracle Eucharistic Miracle of day in the nearby town of Regensburg, and many of the faithful go to the place every year O in pilgrimage.
Eucharistic Quotes
"My"My soul, if you wish to penetrate the depths of this Mystery, your gaze must be illumined by Love! You need to see and understand! Contemplate the Last Supper: see Jesus Who knows that He will soon be separated from the body of His humanity, and yet wishing to be united to us forever; contemplate the Love by which He institutes this Sacrament which permits Him to be corporeally and forever united to mankind. O Inextinguishable Love! O Love of Christ! O Love of the human race! What a true Furnace of Love! O Jesus, You already saw the death which awaited You; the sorrows and atrocious tortures of the Passion were already breaking Your Heart, and yet You offered Yourself to Your executioners, and permitted them, by means of this Sacrament, to possess You forever as an Eternal Gift, O You, Whose delights are to be with the children of men!
"O my soul, how can you refrain from plunging yourself ever deeper and deeper into the love of Christ, who did not forget you in life or in death, but who willed to give Himself wholly to you, and to unite you to Himself forever?"
- St. Angela Foligno
"Mary's adoration was profound, interior, intimate. It was the gift of herself. She offered her whole self to the service of love of the Eucharistic God. For love lays down no conditions, makes no reservations; it thinks no longer of self, lives no longer for self; it is a stranger to itself and lives only for the God which it loves. Everything in Mary was directed to the Blessed Sacrament as Its center and end. A current of grace and love established itself between the Heart of Jesus-Hostia and the heart of Mary-Adoratrix. These hearts were like two flames blended into one. God was then perfectly adored by His creature,"
- St. Peter Julian Eymard
When his excellency, Bishop Ott, spoke to Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, he asked her "how she got so many women to join her religious order". She explained: "We were just like other religious congregations with few vocations. Then at our chapter in the 1970s we made a decision to have a holy hour in all our convents each evening. Many blessings resulted from this Holy Hour the Bishop witnessed, for Blessed Mother Teresa continued, "We began to see more clearly our mission to serve the poor in Christ’s name. We began to live a more fruitful family life among ourselves. We experienced double the number of vocations in our congregation. And we grew personally in our intimacy with the Lord present in the Eucharist." The Bishop is "confident" that this will occur in his diocese too.
- "Bishop’s Notebook", Stanley Joseph Ott, Bishop of Baton Rouge, "The Catholic Commentator", August 5, 1992, p. 4
..."The great and generous thoughts of Catholic heroism are conceived, or rather inspired, at the altar where the Adorable Sacrament reposes; there, depend upon it, in silent prayer the noble damsel in heart rejects the world and its vanities, and plights her troth to the Spouse of her chaste heart; there the young ecclesiastic, bowing in meditation calm and sweet, muses on the triumphs of his schoolmates over the swords and red-hot pincers of Tonquin, and resolves to share in their crown of martyrdom; there whatever is planned for the Church of God that requires zeal and persevering energy is matured and resolved."
- A Victorian reflection from the writings of Cardinal Nicholas Patrick Wiseman (1802-1865) on the Blessed Sacrament & Catholic Heroism
"O inestimable charity! Even as You, true God and true Man, gave Yourself entirely to us, so also You left Yourself entirely for us, to be our food, so that during our earthly pilgrimage we would not faint with weariness, but would be strengthened by You, our celestial Bread. O man, what has your God left you? He has left you Himself, wholly God and wholly Man, concealed under the whiteness of bread. O fire of love! Was it not enough for You to have created us to Your image and likeness, and to have recreated us in grace through the Blood of Your Son, without giving Yourself wholly to us as our Food, O God, Divine Essence? What impelled You to do this? Your charity alone. It was not enough for You to send Your Word to us for our redemption; neither were You content to give Him us as our Food, but in the excess of Your love for Your creature, You gave to man the whole divine essence..."
- St. Catherine of Siena
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
DOUBLES VOCATIONS At St. John Fisher Seminary in Stamford, Connecticut there is a Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration chapel. According to the rector, Rev. Stephen M. DiGiovanni, the reason for beginning Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration was to "encourage young men of the community to find a vocation to the priesthood." The enrollment at the seminary rose 50 percent within the first year that the chapel was founded. - "Worshipers find solace in perpetual chapel", Robin Denaro, "Connecticut Post", Saturday, January 6, 1998, C2
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration TRIPLES VOCATIONS Bishop John Magee of Cloyne in Eire, Ireland reports that vocations to the priesthood in his diocese have tripled since he started Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. In 1990 there were 16 seminarians and by 1993 the number had risen to 45. - "By Your Fruits", Dr. J. F. Boyle. "The Link", January 1996
"Mary adored Jesus as the Bridegroom of souls. Union is the final purpose of love. Jesus by the gift of His substance in the Eucharist unites Himself with our souls as with His dear spouses. As a Bridegroom, He gives them all His possessions, His name, His heart, His whole Self, but on the condition that the soul reciprocates. The soul, His spouse, shall live for Him only,"
- St. Peter Julian Eymard
Jesus described the good shepherd as the one who does not run away but stays with his flock. In the Blessed Sacrament "Christ is truly the Emmanuel, that is: ‘God is with us’. Day and night He is in our midst, He dwells with us full of grace and truth." (Mysterium Fidei)
He said: "I Myself am the Bread of life." We pray "My Shepherd" because His love is a personal love. Though He loves everyone with an infinite love, He loves you as if your were the only one in the world. The Blessed Sacrament is Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who is present before you for no other reason than that He loves you. He is here to draw you closer to Himself, to deepen the love and friendship you have together with Him. This individual, personal love is described by Pope John Paul II when he said "Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of Love."
Because He gives us all we need, "there is nothing I shall want." What He inspires in us is to want only Him and His holy Will. In this way, we "repose" in the divine love of His Eucharistic Heart.
The "fresh and green pastures" are the new graces He nourishes our spirit with. Leading us to the Blessed Sacrament, He invites us to drink from "restful waters," the springs of salvation, flowing from His everlastingly glorious wounds, by which we are continually being healed.
In the Blessed Sacrament "He restores morality, nourishes virtues, consoles the afflicted, strengthens the weak." (Mysterium Fidei)
"He is true to His Name" means He is always faithful to us and all the promises He made to us.
No evil to fear is a call to faith that God is in control of everything. Out of any evil allowed, He only brings a greater good. His staff is the strength He gives us in this Sacrament. He is infinitely more powerful than all the onslaught of hell put together.
The "banquet" is Jesus Himself who said "I Myself am the Bread of life." Divine love is the food He serves us. The grace-filled love, peace and joy He offers us when we come before Him in the Blessed Sacrament was prepared for us on Calvary. Holy Thursday goes together with Good Friday, as the Eucharist is the gift of our Lord’s Passion. Like wheat crushed before coming bread, Jesus was crushed on the cross to become our spiritual nourishment, suffering torment to give us comfort, rejection to fill us with love, dying in darkness to bring us the light of hope, opened by a lance to pour out His peace.
An overflowing cup signifies that our Lord gives us incomparably more than we ask for, even though we may not always feel it. Whatever sacrifice we have made to come to make our holy hour, cannot in any way compare to what we receive now and in eternity.
"Goodness and kindness" describe the very name and personality of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, Who dwells with us "all the days of our life." For this reason, our desire is to remain with Him "in the Lord’s own house."