The Guardian Angel: Eucharistic Miracles

Mary is perfect in all virtues by the Grace of God, as Jesus is by his Nature.
I want to start this talk with a special prayer from a Doctor of the Church, the Memorare.
O Mary Conceived without sin, Pray for us who have recourse to Thee. Remember most GracioustVirgin Mary that never was it known that.
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession, was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother.
Let’s start with a talk with Satan (the father of lies) and an Exorcist and build to the fullness of Truth with Jesus and Mary.
the devil in a conversation! Precisely because he is a master of lies, Satan is humiliated when God forces him to tell the truth.”
“I am Stronger than God”
In an interview with Urlo Magazine (2009), Fr. Amorth recounted, “Once, it happened that I asked a demon why, despite his superior intelligence, he preferred to descend into hell; he answered, ‘I rebelled against God; thus, I showed that I am stronger than He is.’ Therefore, for them, rebellion is a sign of victory and superiority.”
Read more: Why do exorcists ask demons to reveal their names?
“I am Afraid When You Use the Madonna’s Name”
In his book The Last Exorcist—composed of texts from various blogs, including Gloria TV and Testimonianze di fede—Fr. Amorth reports an entire dialogue he had, in his role as exorcist, with the devil.
Father Amorth: “What are the virtues of the Madonna that make you angriest?”
Demon: “She makes me angry because she is the humblest of all creatures, and because I am the proudest; because she is the purest of all creatures, and I am not; because, of all creatures, she is the most obedient to God, and I am a rebel!”
Father Amorth: “Tell me the fourth characteristic of the Madonna that makes you so afraid of her that you are more afraid when I say the Madonna’s name than when I say the name of Jesus Christ!”
Demon: “I am more afraid when you say the Madonna’s name, because I am more humiliated by being beaten by a simple creature, than by Him…”
Father Amorth: “Tell me the fourth characteristic of the Madonna that makes you most angry!”
Demon: “Because she always defeats me, becauseE she was never compromised by any taint of sin!”
“During an exorcism,” Father Amorth remembers, “Satan told me, through the possessed person, ‘Every Hail Mary of the Rosary is a blow to the head for me; if Christians knew the power of the Rosary, it would be the end of me!'”
Mary, Pray for us today as your children.
He who humbles himself will be exalted, that is Scriptural, and the most humble Creature in the Universe was Mary and she is also the most exalted before God.
Mary said she is a slave to God, totally think about what we believe about Slaves. And Mary, seeking to do God’s will in all he is, is the most humble.
In fact as one Holy Priest said, No one who becomes a saint can make that happen as a saint without devotion to Blessed Virgin.
Even all Popes should always acknowledge Mary is greater than he or he will never be as great as he could be, and so from the lowest to the highest in the Catholic Church should consecrate to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, or none will be as great or exalted as they could and should be without this *** More on that later. What a Woman, what a Mother.
Scientists always trying to catch up with the Supernatural, God, about 10 plus years ago discovered “Fetomicrochemerism” which they found that any woman that becomes pregnant even if it does not come to term, living cells are exchanged between mother and child, and they will remain in their bodies for the rest of their life.
Ladies, you have living cells from each of your children in your body right now. And also each of your children has some of the mothers living cells in their body. In fact some scientist say about a mother’s intuition say when you feel your mother is looking over your shoulder, she is actually in your shoulder, and the scientist noticed that when a mother is ill, certain clusters of cells would go to the area of sickness and those cells would would fight off disease or sickness. Guess what cells those were, yes, the cells of your children, whether that child is even here or not, the child’s cells are still fighting to save the life of the mother.
Now lets apply that through Jesus and Mary, for 9 months Jesus was in Mary and still continued in her body, Mary was a walking tabernacle. Jesus still alive in her body uses her to crush the head of Satan, and why we call her the Terror of Demons, the Conquerer of all heresies and why we need her so much today
Satan hates Mary as she is the book ends of history from Genesis 3 to Revelations 12*** Satan, Lucifer, the Devil, the Dragon has been attacking all that try to be her children. Satan hates her and all here who love Jesus and Mary, because she is the creature so exalted, so humble, living tabernacle of God, bringing Light into the world through Jesus and without her we are in the dark.
Let’s take it a step further, remember how those cells will fight for the life of the mother, well, because we are born in sin, the fruit of that is that is we all die, the church has never technically defined how Mary made the transition to heaven. She did not die, as she had no sin, she did not decay like you and me. Because if she had, even science says if she had living cells of God almighty In her body, how
could she possibly experience death? She has divine cells in her, God himself would never allow His dear Mother to become corrupted and to become to decay and to have worms and what not to consume her body.
Mary is Holy, set aside, pattern of the Church, this is why also the Church can never die. One because Jesus said so, but Two, because the church is patterned off the Immaculate one. She can never be overcome, She can never be conquered, the devil can never take her, She if the pattern, this is amazing stuff.
God loves you so much that He shares this Mother with you, to be your mother, take refuge in Her. Take refuge in Her in your particular situations and Trust and Consecrate yourself and your children to Her as parents, you have those parental rights. Give your children to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
STOP Now and pray with priests and for priests. Mary I give myself and my children to you. I am their parents by flesh, but Spiritually you are Our Mother in the order of Grace, please please take them, take my husband, take my children, I give to you, she has given so much and she can work wonders, She can change hearts, families, dioceses, seminaries, convents, the Vatican and hierarchy of the Catholic Church.
She has taken a sinner like me who was into Money, Sex, and Power and headed to Hell, and changed me to die to myself, to warn Her children, and to take a vow of Poverty and a vow of Chastity to be used in my life to Glorify Her Son, to bring souls to Jesus, to Honor and Venerate Her, and to defend the Bride of Christ, the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church in the Immutable Deposit of Faith in Scripture and Tradition.
Jesus chose to humble himself and be born of a Virgin as she had extreme humility, Be it done to me*** I will add quickly to your arsenal for you and your family, from saints. I have some things that were used by saints before they became saints, one to teach a perfect love. One to Consecrate to the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful & Immaculate Heart of Mary, both should be used by every lay person all the way to the pope.
And if even one will raise their hand after I tell you that some toes may be stepped on but we should be ashamed if we don’t do this, for the souls in our care all the way around the world in our Catholic Schools.