The Guardian Angel: Eucharistic Miracle of Morne-Rouge 1902
Two Eucharistic Miracles one dealing with Nature and one dealing with disbelief, we have dealt with both of these type of Miracles in the past, but it always good to review the different times the Eucharistic Lord held back the destruction of Nature, and how a priest's doubts during consecration was followed by a Miracle that showed God's mercy and love. Please share. To Jesus through Mary, GregoryMary
On May 8, 1902, La Montagne, the volcano at the peak of Mount Pelée suddenly erupted.
A discharge of lava immediately reached the city of Saint-Pierre de la Martinique and completely destroyed it. That day, the eruption mysteriously spared the village of Morne-Rouge, located between Saint-Pierre and Mount Pelée. The prodigious event was accompanied by an apparition of Jesus and His Sacred Heart in the Host exposed for public Eucharistic adoration. There were many witnesses to that extraordinary phenomenon.
On May 8, 1902, Ascension Day, the Mount Pelée volcano started erupting lava and ashes. The inhabitants of Morne-Rouge, strongly devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, immediately hurried to their parish church to ask Our Lady of Deliverance to spare their village from catastrophe. At that moment of sudden danger, people rushed to the confessionals.
The parish priest, Fr. Mary, gave a general absolution to all the faithful, distributed Holy Communion, and then exposed the Blessed Sacrament for public adoration. At a certain point, a woman cried out, “The Sacred Heart of Jesus is in the Host !” A large number of people witnessed the apparition of Jesus in the Host, showing
His Sacred Heart crowned with thorns. Some declared they also saw the Precious Blood of Jesus dripping from His Sacred Heart. The vision lasted several hours and stopped only after the reposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle.
On May 8th, the village of Morne-Rouge was spared from the volcano’s devastating fury. Therefore, the local population had a chance to reconcile themselves with God, receive the sacraments, and so be prepared to die in the state of grace. On August 30th of the same year, a violent eruption of the same volcano destroyed also the village of Morne-Rouge.
Eucharistic Miracle of Bagno di Romagna
In 1412, the prior of the Basilica of St. Mary of Bagno di Romagna, Fr. Lazzaro da Verona, while celebrating the Holy Mass, was assailed by doubts about the Real Presence of Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament. He had just pronounced the words of consecration of the wine when this was transformed into living Blood and began to flow from the chalice and fell onto the corporal. Fr. Lazzaro, profoundly moved and repentant, confessed his unbelief to the faithful present at the celebration and the profound miracle that the Lord had worked before his eyes.
The monk Lazzaro was then transferred to Bologna as chaplain of the female Camaldolese convent of St. Christine, where he died in 1416. The Camaldolese held the Parish of Bagno until the Napoleonic suppression of 1808; from then the Parish-Basilica of St. Mary Assumed, after having been held for a brief period by the diocese of Sansepolcro, in 1975 passed definitively to become part of the diocese of Cesena. In 1912,
Cardinal Gilio Boschi, Archbishop of Ferrara, celebrated the fifth centenary of the miracle, which was followed by a conference on Eucharistic studies. In 1958, His Excellency Domenico Bornigia, had a chemical analysis done on the marks of the corporal of the miracle at the University of Florence, which confirmed them to be of an ematic nature. In the basilica is found a colored and very rare incision on wood from 1400 called “The Madonna of the Blood,” which is found in the third chapel on the left.
This image is thus named because, as Benedetto Tenaci, abbot of Bagno and eye witness of the miracle on May 20, 1948, tells us, the icon bled from the left arm. Every year, during the Feast of Corpus Christi, the corporal is carried in procession through the streets of the city and is exposed on every Sunday of the temperate season which lasts from March to November, at the Mass celebrated at 11 AM.