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The Catholic Defender: Our Lady in Marienfried, Germany - 1946

A: Marienfried (1946) deals with the purported apparitions of Mary under the titles of Mediatrix of Graces; All Wonderful Mother; Sign of the Living God to Barbara Reuss (born May 13, 1934), which occurred on April 25, May 25 and June 25 of 1946.

In 1946, Our Lady appeared in Pfaffenhofen, Germany. She asked that the place of the apparitions be called “Marienfried”, which means "Peace of Mary", therefore her title is best known by Our Lady of Marienfried.

The apparitions happened to Barbara Ruess, then 22 years old, in a wood where they wanted to build a chapel in honor of Our Lady of Schoenstatt. The chapel was built shortly afterwards and also recalls this apparition. In these apparitions, Our Lady reveals herself the great Mediatrix of All Graces. 

I am the Great Mediator of graces. The Father wants the world to acknowledge this position of His Maid. Men must trust that as the Holy Spirit’s permanent Spouse, I am the faithful Mediator of All Graces. My sign arrives. God wants it thus. Only my children recognize him because he is shown to them in secrecy, and for this they give glory to the Eternal. I cannot yet show my power to the world. I must retire with my children.

I want to make miracles secretly, in the souls, until the number of sacrifices is complete.

It is given to you to shorten the days of darkness. Your prayers and yours sacrifices will annihilate the image of the Beast. Then I will be able to reveal myself to the world for the glory of the Almighty.

Embrace my sign so that all soon adore and honor God in Three Persons. Pray and offer through me! Pray continually! Pray the Rosary! Ask the Father for everything through my Immaculate Heart! If what you ask for is for his glory,

He will give it to you. Don’t implore for perishable values, but ask for graces for individual souls, for your communities, for the peoples, so that all love and give back glory to the Divine Heart.

Consecrate Saturdays to me, as I desired. Offer me lots of sacrifices! Make of your prayers a sacrifice! Be selfless!

What matters today is to give glory and atonement to the Eternal. If you dedicate yourselves entirely to this, I will take care of all the rest.

I want to load my children with crosses, heavy and deep as the sea, because I love them in my sacrificed Son. I beg you to be ready to carry your crosses, so that soon peace may reign.

Embrace my sign so that soon the Holy Trinity be glorified. I’m asking men to fulfill, as soon as possible, my wishes for this is the will of the Heavenly Father, and because this is necessary for His Greatest Glory and for his magnificence, now and forever. The Father announces appalling suffering for those who do not want to submit to His will.

Barbel asked for an obvious sign for men to believe in her message. Our Lady replied: 

- They could already see my miracles hidden.


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