The Catholic Defender: Novena to Blessed Michael Mcgivney, Day 6 – Shepherd of Souls
For I became your father in Christ Jesus through the Gospel. (1 Cor 4:15)
For priests who labor in parishes, apostolates and missions
Virtue: Zeal for the salvation of souls.
After seven years at St. Mary’s Church, Father McGivney was named pastor of St. omas Parish in omaston,
30 miles from New Haven, in the northern hills of Connecticut.
On his nal Sunday at St. Mary’s, people wept openly in the pews as he oered his farewell with tears flling his own eyes. He concluded, “Wherever I go, the memory of the people of St. Mary’s and their great kindness to me will always be uppermost in my heart.”
The local newspaper noted, “Never, it seemed, was a congregation so affected by the parting address of a clergyman as the great audience which filled St. Mary’s.”
Relying on the grace of God, Father McGivney was the image of the Good Shepherd in his six years as pastor of St. omas Church.
His sacramental records show a steady schedule of Mass, baptisms, confessions, anointings, weddings and funerals the daily labor of a parish priest charged with the care of souls. Knowing the hard life of his people, he also planned for them regular periods of respite and recreation.
Soon he was entrusted with a mission church 4 miles away, Immaculate Conception in Terryville. Ever faithful to his daily duties, Father McGivney would oer an early Sunday Mass in omaston, ride in a horse-drawn carriage to Terryville for a mid-morning Mass, and return to St. omas Church for the noon Mass.
this tiring regimen, over rough roads and oen in inclement weather, wore down his health.
On one occasion, as a Thomaston resident related, Father McGivney lost control of the horse and his carriage crashed into a fence, throwing him some distance.
Dusting off his cassock and shaking off the bruises, he thanked God for preserving his life and continued his journey. With the Lord leading, nothing would keep him from fulfilling his obligations to his people. Petitions For pastors and all those who serve as shepherds of souls, that they may practice prayerful zeal in carrying out their duties, for the greater glory of God. R/ Grant our prayer, Lord, through the intercession of Blessed Michael McGivney.
For laypeople, that they may offer friendship, support and prayers for priests, who battle on the front lines of spiritual warfare.
Grant our prayer, Lord, through the intercession of Blessed Michael McGivney