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The Catholic Defender: Novena to Blessed Michael Mcgivney, Day 3 – Ministry to the Marginalized

Day 3 – Ministry to the Marginalized I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some.

I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some. (1 Cor 9:22)


For all who suffer on the peripheries of society, including immigrants, those persecuted for their Christian faith, and persons who are imprisoned, poor, homeless or addicted.


Perseverance amid adversity and trials.

Father McGivney did not continue himself to the sacristy or rectory.

The needs of his people took him far from the church doors as he served as an advocate for families in court; a friend of those from other Christian faiths; a consoling presence to a prominent Protestant minister whose daughter had died; the director of public plays and fairs; and, of course, the founder of the Knights of Columbus.

In these and many other ways, he was a man ahead of his time, anticipating by nearly a century the Second Vatican Council’s teachings on ecumenical dialogue, a more active and engaged laity, and the “universal call to holiness.”

In a notable case, he ministered to James “Chip” Smith, a 21-year-old Catholic who was on death row for fatally shooting a police offcer while drunk.

Father McGivney visited him often over many months to offer guidance, prayer and Mass in the city jail, to great effect.

The young man’s change of heart was so marked that local newspapers hailed Father McGivney’s ministry.

After Mass on execution day, the priest’s grief was profound.

Smith comforted him, saying, “Father, your saintly ministrations have enabled me to meet death without a tremor. Do not fear for me, I must not break down now.”

Father McGivney walked with him to the end, leading him in prayer and blessing him at the scaffold.

He still walks with us in our needs today as we look to him for guidance in times of afliction, grief and hopelessness. Petitions For those who are neglected and in need, that we may respond to the Lord’s call to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, give shelter to the homeless, care for the sick and visit the imprisoned (see Mt 25:31-46).

Grant our prayer, Lord, through the intercession of Blessed Michael McGivney. For those throughout the world who are persecuted or killed for their Christian faith, that the Knights of Columbus Christian Refugee Relief Fund may continue to provide help in their time of great need.

Grant our prayer, Lord, through the intercession of Blessed Michael McGivney.


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