The Catholic Defender: John Benko of T4P continues his lying deceptive ways claiming 115,600 ghost hits that is false.
Actually, T4P has 5672 total listens according to Block Talk Radio. (11/7/2024) 5:21 PM, The truth is that Benko claims 109,928 more than they actually have. He also claimed to have 9,633 hits per month. That too is a huge whopper of a lie. T4P is no where near the exaggeration of John Benko who is making a habit of decieving the public and his team.
Does Benko pass the truth test? No, not even close. I simply went back to September 1, Deepertruth at that time we had 213,790 listens, T4P had 5280 total listens.
Today11/7/2024 Deepertruth has 215,114, T4P has 5671. Since September 1 Deepertruth has gained 1,324 listens while T4P gains 391. John Benko hurts himself by this deception.
Deepertruths lead today is 209442 Up from 209438 (11/5/2024)
Deepertruth holds at 66.% Average per post
The 4 Persons at 9% Average per post
Deepertruth stands at 215,114, The 4 Persons ends with 5672
This will change as I will update the final tally at the end of the day.