The Catholic Defender on Christmas Day

CHRISTMAS IS THE DAY OF THE YEAR WHEN MOST SOULS ARE DELIVERED FROM PURGATORY. There are more souls released from purgatory during consecration of the Mass than at any time. Christmas is the day of the year when most souls are delivered: then the feast days of Our Lord, Our Lady and great saints.
Purgatory is simply the place where already saved souls are cleansed of the temporal effects of sin before they are allowed to see the holy face of Almighty God. Revelation 21:27 tells us that “...nothing unclean will enter [Heaven].”
Purgatory is God’s way of ensuring that Revelation 21:27 is true and that nothing unclean will enter Heaven. It is only through Christ’s sacrifice that we are shown this mercy! It is Christ and Christ alone Who allows us access to the Father. Many people ask, “Where is the word purgatory in the Bible?” It will not be found in the Bible, but the concept of a “final cleansing” or “purgation” for those who require it is very evident in the Bible, in the writings of the early Church Fathers, and in the Old Testament religion whence Christianity sprang
St. Bernadette said: “Do not just be a channel for grace, but a reservoir, an overflowing reservoir. No sooner has a channel received grace than it pours it out. A reservoir waits to be filled up and then offers grace to those who come to draw from its superabundance.”
It well may be your unfamiliar with the revelations of both St.Alphonsus and St.Teresa that say most souls are released from purgatory on Christmas Day
What would you want for Christmas if you were in Purgatory? HEAVEN! To see the Face of Jesus gazing on you with love for all eternity!
There are more souls released from purgatory during consecration of the Mass than at any time. Christmas is the day of the year when most souls are delivered: then the feast days of Our Lord, Our Lady and great saints. Souls receive much grace from prayers offered for them on their birthdays, day of baptism, anniversary of death. The more we work for Poor Souls on earth, the more others will pray for us, and more merciful will Christ be with us when we are in purgatory.
Our Lady asked that we pray very much for the Poor Souls.
CHRISTMAS IS THE DAY OF THE YEAR WHEN MOST SOULS ARE DELIVERED FROM PURGATORY. There are more souls released from purgatory during consecration of the Mass than at any time. Christmas is the day of the year when most souls are delivered: then the feast days of Our Lord, Our Lady and great saints.
Lord God, who commanded us to honor our parents, have mercy on the souls of my father and mother.Forgive their sins and let me see them again one day in the joy of the Eternal Light!For Christ our Lord.Amen.
O Lord, You always take pleasure in pouring out Your mercy and your graces.For this reason, I will never cease to ask You to look at the souls of those you called from this world.Do not leave them at the mercy of the enemy and never forget them.Order your angels to take them and lead them to their heavenly home.They hoped in you, they believed in you.Do not let them suffer from the pains of Purgatory, but let them enjoy eternal joy.For Christ our Lord.Amen.
Jesus, for the deadly agony you suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane, for the bitter sorrows that you suffered during the Flagellation and the Crowning of Thorns, along the ascent to Mount Calvary, during Your Cross and Death, have mercy on the souls of Purgatory and, in particular, of the most forgotten souls!Free them from their torment, call them to you and welcome them into your arms in Paradise!
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
Almighty God, who has poured upon us the new light of your Incarnate Word; Grant that the same light enkindled in our hearts may shine forth in our lives through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.