The Catholic Defender: "It's Time for a Spiritual Crusade!" Fr. Richard Heilman
90 Days to Liberty – February 27 – May 28 (Pentecost)
This is what “90 Days to Liberty” is all about. From the very beginning of our nation, we have fought and died for our right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Our previous 90-day spiritual crusade fought for the right to life. This spiritual crusade is a clarion call to all those “Special Forces Prayer Warriors” who seek to join ranks with tens of thousands of others in this “Supernaturally Charged” 90-day crusade to reclaim surrendered ground from our oppressors.
90 Days to Liberty begins on the Monday after Ash Wednesday (February 27) and goes until Pentecost (May 28). Special Forces Prayer Warriors (those who join) will be challenged to enter into a period of “serious” prayer and mortification as we seek a fresh and powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit in our Church and on our land. “Mortification,” at its essence, means to “die to yourself.” This will be our time to let go of bad and sinful habits and to embrace good and healthy and Godly habits. The research in the behavioral sciences that says 90 days is about the time needed to change from bad habits to good habits. “He must increase, I must decrease.” – St. John the Baptist
Let’s Get Ready!
God wants us close; God wants us strong in His mighty power. That comes from what St. Francis de Sales calls, “Cor Ad Cor Loquitur: Heart Speaks to Heart.” This journal assists you in cultivating the ideal Catholic spiritual practices. I truly believe this 90-day journal is designed in just such a way to best lead us into that intimate relationship with God – where you will discover life-changing strength in God's grace.
I am so looking forward to this “90 Days to Liberty” spiritual crusade with all of you!
MISSION: The United States Grace Force (USGF) is a “special operations force” specifically trained in spiritual warfare and intercessory prayer.
The USGF capabilities include the large-scale use of powerful supernatural weapons (sacramentals, etc.) and prayers. While there are various special operations, the primary mission of the USGF is to implore God’s protection and blessing on our nation, especially imploring God’s protection (“Got Your Six”) for those who put their lives on the line to protect and defend our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.