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The Catholic Defender Helping the Missions of the "Poor of Jesus Christ Since 2001

Donations can be made on their web-site:

PJC Special Funds 40691 Hwy K99, Wamego, KS. 66547

Checks need to be made out to:

PJC Special Funds

According to the bible, our mission is twofold; to love people, and to teach people to love. This can be tough because the world doesn't quite see love the same way Christians see it. If we are going to show the world what it means to truly love, we need to understand what it means.

The Church, then, Head and members of the Body of Christ, is a Messianic people, sharing in Christ's three-fold mission of sanctifying, teaching and serving.

It is prayer that helps us connect with people who are open to the gospel. It is prayer that leads us to the right place at the right time to take the steps that only God could orchestrate. Prayer connects the church to the activity of God who is empowering his people to advance the message of his kingdom.

One way of looking at the difference between ministry and missions involves the questions of "where" and "to whom". Ministry takes place within the body of Christ, missions happens outside the walls of the church.

Remember when we support the missions, these missionaries become our hands, our feet doing the Lords work.

Sister Magdalena- Missions of the "Poor of Jesus Christ launched its ministry in 2001 to provide material and spiritual blessings to those in need around the world. Since then, thousands of lives and communities have been transformed by God working through its mission of mercy.

Sister Magdalena made her vows in Brazil. Sister extends her gratefulness and thanks to all who help their missions in so many ways through their PJC Special Funds Account. Donations from Lay-Associates, friends and benefactors, funds from Missionary

Cooperative Programs of various (Arch) Dioceses in the USA, and selling flowers and crops, help to raise "special funds" that are deposited into bank a account called "PJC Special Funds", and used for some of the needs of our missions, to help establish new missions, and help them to begin projects for becoming self-sustaining.

This account has existed since 2001, and has benefitted the Poor of Jesus Christ in so many ways, making it possible for us to grow and to spread God's Kingdom in many countries, and to have the means to serve the poor.

We go out to the poor wherever they may be. Our Charism seeks to be the hands and heart of the Lord, others through street Ministries, going out to the homeless on the streets, under bridges, wherever they may be, taking them food, clothing, personal hygiene items cutting hair and doing manicures. But, most importantly, to establish friendships and giving them the opportunity to know the love of God. After gaining their trust, many ask for help to break their addictions, and enter one of our Houses of Recuperation.

We firmly believe that by being faithful servants to the Lord in helping those who He called us to serve,e blesses us, and provides all that we need to serve the poor and all that we need to serve, the poor and those who are lost in the darkness, who need His love, and to know that they are worthy of His love as beloved children. The work is the Lord's, we are His servants. He hears the cry of the poor, and the unspoken cry of those whose hearts are empty and sad because of not knowing Him.

About the PJC Special Funds Account

The PJC Special Funds account was created to raise and transfer funds for urgent needs and special projects of the Mission houses of our Religious Institute, "Poor of Jesus Christ", such as helping our Missions become more self-sufficient by helping to purchase the items and equipment needed to make bread, liturgical vestments, planting of fruit trees and produce, and other things to sell.

Funds are also used for helping new missions get started, purchase of materials for our Street Ministries to the homeless, building and/or remodeling Mission Houses and Houses of Recuperation for drug/alcohol addicts, and other special needs.

Each Mission House has a bank account for their particular house, however, the PJC Special Funds account is the only account that has as its purpose to send needed funds to any of our missions throughout the world.

Requests for funds are evaluated by our Founder, Padre Gilson Sobreiro. He then determines what the most urgent needs are and authorizes funds to be dispersed from the Special Funds Account.

Locations Around the World






Costa Rica

El Salvador

United States



Missions involve sending individuals and groups across boundaries, most commonly geographical boundaries, to carry on evangelism or other activities, such as educational or hospital work. Sometimes individuals are sent and are called missionaries, and historically may have been based in mission stations.

Jesus gave more specificity to this mission when, just before his ascension into heaven, he said to his disciples, Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.

Mission is the divine activity of sending intermediaries, whether supernatural or human, to speak or do God's will so that his purposes for judgment or redemption are furthered. The biblical concept is expressed by the use of verbs meaning "to send, " normally with God as the expressed subject.

Missions are the very heart of our God. If we are really going to understand the heart of God we need to start with an understanding of the basic character of God. – God's love for us is a perfect, unconditional love that flows to us constantly, without fail regardless of our actions.

Mozambique, Africa

Malawi, Africa




Donations can be made on thie web-site:

PJC Special Funds 40691 Hwy K99, Wamego, KS. 66547

Checks need to be made out to:

PJC Special Funds

Contact Sister Magdalena



© 2017 Deeper Truth Catholics

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