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The Catholic Defender: Deepertruth prayer for those who recently have passed from this life.

God our Father,Your power brings us to birth,Your providence guides our lives,

and by Your command we return to dust. Lord, those who die still live in Your presence,

their lives change but do not end.I pray in hope for my family,relatives and friends,

and for all the dead known to You alone. In company with Christ, Who died and now lives,

may they rejoice in Your kingdom,where all our tears are wiped away.Unite us together again in one family,

to sing Your praise forever and ever. Amen.

Eternal rest grant unto him/her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him/her. May he/she rest in peace. Amen. May almighty God bless us with his peace and strength, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, please hear this prayer for the dead and provide these souls with your abundance of love as they enter your heavenly kingdom. Help the families and loved ones left behind to understand that you have a plan for everyone. Help them to find peace in their time of mourning and to know that no matter what you are always with them through the pain that they may be feeling. Amen.

Dear God, I humbly ask you to hear this prayer for the soul of my loved one. Please allow them to transition into your heavenly circle of hosts. Forgive any sins that they have weighing on their soul and allow them to bask in the light of your grace and mercy so that they can live with you in paradise forever. Amen.

Dear God, we lift up [name] in prayer and ask for your loving care and protection for their soul. Please bring them into your loving arms and grant them peace and rest. May they feel your presence and know the fullness of your love and grace. In your precious name we pray, Amen.

Lord God above, we, Your humble children kneel before you today in reverence. We know You’re the greatest and You’re the king of all kings. So, we pray You uplift our heart and soul so that we may cast away our sorrows oh Lord. Give us the strength to surpass this situation. No one dies without Your say-so and thus, we rejoice over this triumph and we pray You be with our deceased brother/sister. We thank you for the answered prayer and in Jesus name, Amen.

May the light of Jesus and the Angels bring Peace and Salvation to my parents. May They rest in peace knowing that their souls belongs to GOD and GOD only. No demon, no devil, no principality, no evil spirit has access to their light and salvation.

May Holy Mary, the angels and all the saints welcome you now that you have gone forth from this life. May Christ who was crucified for you, bring you freedom and peace. May Christ who died for you, admit you into his garden of paradise. May Christ, the true Shepherd embrace you as one of his flock. May he forgive all your sins, and set you among those he has chosen.



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