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The Catholic Defender: A Viscious Act of Columny

On 3/28/2024 following the Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper, I was approached by Father Farrar that he was given a picture of me with the added accusation I was a "Stalker" insinuating that I was somehow interested in picking up children? This hit me from left field totally unexpected. I was not a happy camper to say the least. The issue concerns a choir practice taking place in the chapel area just moments before a Knights of Columbus Meeting that I was preparing to participate.

Having a few minutes for myself I decided to pray and listen in on the Choir practice taking place lead by Fernando Gil, the Director of Sacred Liturgy, Music & Art. I spoke to no one, I approached no one, was not around or near anyone. To have been falsely accused of stalking children is an outrage. Noone approached me, or came near me. I was sitting alone from the choir who was next to the organ area. I was about 7 pews behind the choir. Also, there were other adults in the area closer to the choir.

In my capacity as a CCD Teacher, I taught First Communion Classes while serving in Germany. I also taught Confirmation classes in New Orleans, I have had much training concerning children from the Diocean level in Kansas, Tennessee, Texas, Louisiana, Europe, the Middle East.

There is nothing in my past to ever have such an attacked levied upon me. I am a warrior for Our Lord and His Mama. I serve the Lord and Our Blessed Mother with my life. The Police called this descripture as harrasement. The Police informed me to call them after I have a letter drawn by an atterney.

I have been personally recommended in State and Out of State by several Catholic priests before and after events. Such a columny as this upon my person has harmed my spirit and my mind. that I could be barred from participating within my Parish, speaking at future events, this is a visious lie of Satan who would want to bring down someone who works for the good Lord.

In defense of myself, I am also defending our priest who could have been decieved. The FBI has sent out subjects to pose as parisheners to cause problems for those loyal to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

I'm being asked to obtain a copy of the noted picture and the atterney wants to be aware of who is working for Satan inside the Church. I am also being reminded that The FBI has sent people to serve as parisheners to cause such disharmony against those faithful to the Catholic Magisterium.


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