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The Catholic Defender: Penetrating The Enemy to bring them Home

Thursday July 26, 2007: I am so proud of my Medics tonight! We saved several lives today! That is the job of the Medic, to treat and take care of his soldiers. I've taught them that every soldier we take care of, that is someone we send home to loved ones. God was with us today in a powerful way. Thank you for your prayers!

Friday July 27, 2007: Yesterday, we had 40 heat injuries in which 11 had to be helicoptered out. It was 135 degrees with all their gear on. All of them made it because of the great work of my Medics. They were doing foot patrols finding a lot of enemy weapons and they ran out of water. My Medics not only did an outstanding job keeping them alive, but they showed great endurance as they had to move and treat them all. I'm like a proud Father today. Yes, I'm very happy about this.

Sunday July 29, 2007: I've been outside the wire, serving as a medic on a major log pack. I was not able to conduct the bible study this past Saturday evening, Rocnric was there to help us out. This coming Tuesday evening, I will be showing the "Protestant Minister Becomes Catholic! The Scott Hahn story. That should be good. We are gaining new members everyday, more people are joining in praying the rosary. These are good things. God bless you all!

Monday July 30, 2007: I have two more soldiers wanting to convert to the Catholic Faith. This is really awesome. I continue to have great conversations with my Baptist Chaplain's Assistant who continues to ask questions. This is the true award that I have here, knowing that people are coming to the Church and wanting to know the truth. Lord, help us to be good and fruitful witnesses for you! Restore the Vineyard!

Friday August 3, 2007: I met another soldier today that want's to begin study to become a Catholic! It is very exciting that several have approached us wanting to become a Catholic. Please keep the prayers coming. Tonight, I also had the chance to speak with a fallen Catholic who joined the Wicca's. He told me that he left the Church after busting a priest in the nose. He also told me that he was formally excommunicated from the Diocese of Philadelphia. Sounds bizarre. He said at the time he was into Gath, wore black, long hair. The priest turned his back on him and treated him without respect so he hit him. I am going to develop a certain trust with him so I can get him to check out the life of Fr. Calloway. Please pray for him.

Saturday August 4, 2007: Tonight at the bible study, a lone visitor surprised me. I was not expecting such a visitor. He was the Chaplain I met at the PX who is a member of the Church of the Nazarene. He told me tonight that he felt our first meeting was not by accident, that he felt it was from the Lord. We discussed more on the Church. He was very open and told me that as a young man, he was raised Methodist. He and his wife converted to the Church of the Nazarene after they were married mostly through his wife's parents. In his studies, he attended a Catholic College and it seems I have en-kindled a desire in him to check it out. At any rate, we have met twice in two day totally by coincidence. I think he will come to the bible study this coming Tuesday evening!!!!

Sunday August 5, 2007: Today, after Mass, there was a Soldier that hung around to see me after I had finished putting things away. As I was getting ready to leave, he approached me wanting to ask me what he could do to become Catholic. I told him to get with me at noon after the rosary so we could eat afterwards and I could help him if this was what he wanted. I feel thankful and hopeful that he will follow through. I asked him to pray about it and he said he would. This is the great adventure!!!

Monday August 6, 2007: We continue to encourage peace among the various tribes and we are making progress. We have seen a substantial decrease of enemy action and attacks among the public as well as against us. I hope and pray that the current success will continue and that our objectives will be met. I hope that the Iraqi government will be able to take over and keep the bad guys out. We will have to win this war through persistence to break the will and the back of a determined enemy.

Your prayers continue to be most important, God is in control. May the American people rekindle that patriotic love of country that will foster strength and courage to stand against our enemies. Those who would destroy our principles and values. Lord Jesus, grant us your presence in the Council of the holy. Help your Church live in peace in America.

Today, if you can, please pray for a two year old little girl that is near death. I'm being called to go to the Land of the Sunni with an escort to see if we can save her. It maybe too late. Pray for me too! She hasn't been able to eat or drink for days, I am told.

Tuesday August 7, 2007: Today was a day of miracles as the little girl was saved. I have arranged that she will get higher help along with several other families that came to me unexpectedly. I was able to see and take care of almost 50 people. That was a lot more than the one I came there for. The health care problem is terrible and what little there is will be fought over by the various tribes. The Ministry of Health does not really help the Sunni people. Please keep these people in your prayers. These are mothers and fathers who have no hope and have no place to go without being killed or persecuted. If what we do helps them solve this problem, then God be praised!

There for awhile, yesterday, as we were taking a break, I actually was sitting in the main hallway watching our weapons as we talked. We had two interpreters that was there. One was Catholic, the other Muslim. It was a good discussion. Eventually, I was left there kind of board when I began to sing hymns. It was kind of cool to do that in a Muslim place. No one objected!!!

Wednesday August 8, 2007: Tonight, when I was returning to my room coming from the Chaplain's office, I found two soldiers waiting for me. They were both there waiting for me to talk about the Catholic Church. One of them was a complete surprise. I was more than happy to invite them in and I showed them the conversion stories of Scott Hahn and Alex Jones. After that, because of the discussion that followed, I showed the DVD on Hell, "What Every Catholic Needs To Know About Hell". After that, The one Soldier wants to become a Catholic while the other wants to return back to the faith. It was awesome!

Thursday August 9, 2007: I ran into another person today that will be coming for Confirmation. It was a very powerful exchange as the young Soldier came to the point that he desires Confirmation. His girlfriend is considering to study the Catholic faith. He was going to call home and inform his mother his plans. She will be very happy to hear this good news. God is so good!

Sunday August 12, 2007: Please keep September 15th in your prayers as this will be the day that we will Confirm several people. It is a great blessing to see this happening and I hope that many more will take up the cross to follow Our Lord. We continue to conduct dangerous missions. I will be involved in a major MEDCAP soon, please pray for all of us. The health care for the people is non existent. It is a sad thing to see. Many have children will little hope.

Tonight as I sat down to dinner, I noticed one of the Wiccan's that was in the Friday night circle. I continued to eat when I noticed he recognized me. He quickly grabbed his things and sat in front of me as to be able to talk across the table. I was glad that he did so. He was the former Catholic and so I particularly looked for the opportunity to talk with him. I could be more open with him in an open environment. He was very happy to see me. We talked for about 25 minutes until we took it outside and talked more at a picnic table.

He explained that he was a Druid, not a Wiccan, but in their inner circle there were Wiccans and other groups, even Satanists. He identified himself as a Classical Pagan, he said Wiccans were neo-pagans. He told me that many he knew were enlightened by Harry Potter to become witches, others had other influences. I asked him why Harry Potter was so influential to the witchcraft lodge. He said it is because in fantasy, it supports many of their basic beliefs. I told him that there are some who are trying to Christianize Harry Potter. With that he laughed and though it was funny to think so. I had to head toward the TMC to give Anthrax Vaccinations so I had to go, but tomorrow night, I'm meeting with him to talk about the Catholic Faith with him. He was willing to do so for the knowledge he can receive. I will show him the Conversion story of Father Calloway. I am really hopeful. Please pray for our success regardless how you feel about Harry Potter. I have another Soldier today that came forward and desires Confirmation. This is very exciting!!

Monday August 13, 2007: OnTheRock, I received your box today! Thank you so much! I've already started handing out the kits you have. Those are good. The CD Rosary I can use at our public Rosary in the Chapel. We use the sound system there. Today, there was a Chaplain assistant who was working and I know he was listening to the rosary, the prayers and meditation. We left him sitting in the back row with his head in his hands as in deep prayer and meditation. Couldn't help but smile!!!

I had my meeting with the Wiccan tonight, we talked for about 1 1/2 hours discussing witchcraft and the Church. By nights end, he was lead to recognize the Resurrection. I explained to him the fact that the Old Testament is really a period of Covenants God makes with mankind. Adam is a Covenant of marriage, Noah is a Covenant of family, Abraham is a tribal Covenant, and Moses is a kingdom Covenant uniting all the tribes in a single nation. Jesus establishes a world wide Covenant, a Catholic Covenant. I also shared that Jesus fulfills in one human lifetime, the prophecies that concerns Him. There were several prophets in the span of centuries that are fulfilled in one human life. He was deeply impressed with this knowledge. I also showed him that in the New Testament, we have a New and everlasting Covenant in the Blood of Christ. We renew the Covenant with Him when we go to Communion. I shared with him the Miracle of Lanciano and the Shroud of Turin. He gave me his AKO account so we can keep in contact as he leaves Iraq to go back home tomorrow. I hope I was able to plant seeds! Finally, I spent another hour with one of my new students catching him up on the teaching of the faith. He is going to watch Steve Rays DVD's on Moses and Jesus tomorrow. Then I will share Mary next. Thank you all for your prayers!

Tuesday August 14, 2007: Another MEDCAP is coming up soon, this time it is a planned event. This could be overwhelming. I can see us getting bum-rushed by thousands, all needing to see Doctors for themselves or their children. Makes you want to cry, "HELP"! Please keep this in your prayers, for our safety, and for these people of great need.

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