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The Catholic Defender: Out On Patrol Doing Spiritual Reconnaissance

In military tactics, a patrol usually can range from a small squad size element to a platoon size element.

Ordinarily they are a small tactical unit sent out to patrol areas of responsibility.

They are sent out from a base of operations, a small Joint Security Station (JSS) or a larger Forward Operating Base (FOB) for the purpose of combat, reconnaissance, or a combination of both.

The basic mission of a patrol is to follow a route that is known by all the personnel from the leader down to the lowest in rank.

They can walk the trek or they can be mounted.

The objective can range from keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary to gathering vital information from the people.

It is important in our strategy to have good relations with the local community.

The Medics in the past have offered help to Commanders because they have done good deeds helping the people. Getting vital information from the people can be most important to help keep information about enemy activity current and accurate.

The foot Soldier is vital in keeping watch for enemy attack, movement, IED's, and other enemy activities within your sector of fire.

This also helps maintain and protect the JSS and FOB security keeping at regular intervals looking out for anything out of the ordinary — which if found will be reported or dealt with as appropriate.

There are then basically two types of patrols that refer to reconnaissance patrols, which are sent to investigate some feature of interest, or to fighting patrols (US combat patrol), sent to find and engage the enemy.

Spiritually, this is the mission of the Rosary Patrol, we are out patrolling the areas of operation praying for the needs of the Church, the Pope and his Missionary and General Intentions.

It is important to know what the enemy activity is, to be able to identify the enemy who many times will hide among the civilians.

They may look like Christians, sometimes may act like Christians, but in the end, are set out to destroy or cripple the Churches mission.

There are times when we must put on the whole armor of God and ward off the fiery darts of the enemy. Sometimes, we must take action and stand up for what is right.

Some of the enemy's weapons used against us is our own apathy, our own indecisiveness, our own lack of resolve. When ever we go outside the wire, it is always important to make sure you have your weapon with you.

When you hold your rosary in your hand, that is like holding the hand of our Mother Mary who is praying with us.

No Soldier should be without this important weapon. Each Soldier should also prepare themselves before going into the Danger Zone.

You should always have a copy of the Catholic Catechism and Bible near by.

Like the Old Baltimore Catechism would say, to know God, love God, an serve God.

If you have Internet access, to have Deepertruth, Catholic Answers, Defenders of the Catholic Faith, The Missouri Marian Association, or other sources are vital important information that helps give the Soldier strategy.

Before a Soldier goes out on Patrol, Mass is very important, you need to be charged up and fortified with the Holy Spirit to give you courage.

You must frequent the Sacraments and be in the state of grace, to avoid sin at all cost.

To receive God's blessing as often as you can helps fortify the soul.

It is also important to understand and know your Chain of Command. Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Pope is his Prime Minister, the local Priest are their representatives so we should pray for them knowing they are under attack by the enemy.

The Virgin Mary is a great gift to us as our spiritual Mother. We can trust the Lord with his Mother. Do not be afraid to use your rosary especially in times of trouble.

A real quick background on the purpose of any patrol: In military tactics, a patrol usually can range from a small squad size element to a platoon size element.

The basic mission of a patrol is to follow a route that is known by all the personnel from the leader down to the lowest in rank.

They can walk the trek or they can be mounted.

The objective can range from keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary to gathering vital information from the people.

It is important in our strategy to have good relations with the local community.

The Medics in the past have offered help to Commanders because they have done good deeds helping the people. Getting vital information from the people can be most important to help keep information about enemy activity current and accurate.

The foot Soldier is vital in keeping watch for enemy attack, movement, IED’s, and other enemy activities within your sector of fire.

This also helps maintain and protect the JSS and FOB security keeping at regular intervals looking out for anything out of the ordinary — which if found will be reported or dealt with as appropriate.

There are then basically two types of patrols that refer to reconnaissance patrols, which are sent to investigate some feature of interest, or to fighting patrols (US combat patrol), sent to find and engage the enemy.

As an element that does go out on patrol, when at rest they circle out a perimeter to maintain a protective force. Within the center of the protective barrier you will find the Leader, either the Commander or the Platoon leader depending on the size element on patrol.

Along with the leader, you may have the radio operator, the medic, or some other important support elements. This is really basic information, when you set up a fort or garrison, it primarily works the same way. Within the perimeter, you will have the field hospital, a dining hall, other areas of operation.

When you have larger posts, then you will see all kinds of support and organization that lie within the protective barrier. You will see a lot of contractors, civilians who give support to the Soldiers. In large posts, they will even house families like we see in Japan, Germany, and other American posts. Consider all this and then take a look at our very own Country. The President of the United States is the Commander-in-Chief of the Military and his first mission is for the protection and welfare of the American people.

Break it back down for the squad level patrol for a minute, when you have circled out a perimeter setting up a temporary hasty defensive position, you want your infantry Soldiers manning their positions. The sign of a poor leader would be if he brought more and more people from the defensive perimeter and allowed them to stay in the center of the circle of protection.

That would make it easier for an enemy to over run your position. A good leader would ensure that a mission was wall manned and defended.

Lets go back to looking at America as a Country again. If our President is not interested in sealing and defending our boarders, then he is guilty of allowing invasions and infiltration within the perimeter.

If we take too much of our defense defending our perimeter and taking assets to support other things that are not as important as the defense of this nation, then we are opening up ourselves for attack. It’s like we have more people sitting in the wagon and less and less actually pulling it.

America needs to circle the wagons as the threat of attack is very real, from the Ebola outbreak to the Isis (Muslim) invasion of America. Our Government and people have become soft and weak because of the elevation of special interest and the decline of the Family.

A lot was at stake this past November for the future of America. Freedom was on the ballot and I hope that the low information crowd do not tip the Nation completely over to the Progressive agenda. In doing so, the infiltration will be made complete and will be difficult to shake in the future.

“No one can rejoice more than I do at every step the people of this great country take to preserve the Union, establish good order and government, and to render the nation happy at home and respectable abroad. No country upon earth ever had it more in its power to attain these blessings than United America. Wondrously strange then, and much to be regretted indeed would it be, were we to neglect the means, and to depart from the road which Providence has pointed us, so plainly; I cannot believe it will ever come to pass. The Great Governor of the Universe has led us too long and too far on the road to happiness and glory, to forsake us in the midst of it. By folly and improper conduct, proceeding from a variety of causes, we may now and then get bewildered; but I hope and trust that there is good sense and virtue enough left to recover the right path before we shall be entirely lost.” George Washington, June 29, 1788

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