The Guardian Angel: Eucharistic Miracle of Paris, 1290

Jesus said, "Do not give to the dogs what is sacred." You can see this spoken for almost 2000 years, yet we have clergy willing to give the Eucharist, the Real Presence and the height and summit of our faith to those who through their own will are guilty of profaning the Blessed Sacrament and taking it unworthily.
So not only is the person who willfully does this in danger and at great risk going into eternity, which could be at any moment for any of us, but the clergy who gives the Blessed Sacrament to this individual knowing his condition is also at great risk.
Let us no matter what our vocation in life, continue in our walk to Holiness and out of mercy and love help others know the Truth as given through the Holy Spirit to the Catholic Church, so that those put into our path may come to have a properly formed Conscience, and be strong enough to do what is right in God's eyes. These things will help you do this: Confession often, Mass often, Adoration often, Rosary often, and the last three, daily when possible. To Jesus through Mary, GregoryMary

The Didache or "The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles" is a manuscript which was used by 2nd century bishops and priests for the instruction of catechumens.
Many early Christian writers have referenced it making this document relatively easy to date.
"Let no one eat and drink of your Eucharist but those baptized in the name of the Lord; to this, too the saying of the Lord is applicable: 'Do not give to dogs what is sacred'". -Ch. 9:5
"On the Lord's own day, assemble in common to break bread and offer thanks; but first confess your sins, so that your sacrifice may be pure. However, no one quarreling with his brother may join your meeting until they are reconciled; your sacrifice must not be defiled. For here we have the saying of the Lord: 'In every place and time offer me a pure sacrifice; for I am a mighty King, says the Lord; and my name spreads terror among the nations.'"

Eucharistic Miracle of Paris, 1290
During Easter of 1290 a non-believer who harbored animosity toward the Faith and who did not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist was able to gain possession of a consecrated Host with the intent to desecrate the Holy Eucharist.
He stabbed the Host and threw the Blessed Sacrament into boiling water. The Host miraculously came out of the water right in front of the man, who was distressed by this. And so he put the Host in the basin of a pious woman. The woman immediately brought the Host to her pastor.
There are numerous documents that testify to the events of this miracle. The Italian historian Giovanni Villani in Book VII, Chapter 136, of his celebrated History of Florence reports all the principal facts of the miracle. A deep study of the sources was done by Mrs. Moreau-Rendu in a work entitled. A Paris, Rue des Jardins published in 1954 with a preface by Bishop Touzé who was the Auxiliary Bishop of Paris.

The author, after a detailed list of the documents, placed them under rigorous examination and declared with confidence the authenticity of the facts.
The best known version of the story is found in the History of the Church of Paris written by the French archbishop, Archbishop Rupp, who tells of the Eucharistic miracle of Paris in the pages dedicated to the episcopate of Simon Matifas of Busay who held the See of St. Denis from 1290 to 1304:
“Easter Sunday, April 2, 1290, a man named Jonathas, who hated the Catholic Faith and did not believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, was able to gain possession of a consecrated Host. “The man stabbed the Host with a knife and the Host began to bleed. The Blood filled the container in which he had placed the Host. Panic-stricken, the man decided to throw the Blessed Sacrament into the fire, but the Host miraculously arose from the fire. Desperate, he threw the Eucharist into boiling water and the Host arose from the water, hovering in mid-air, and then taking the form of a crucifix. Finally, he deposited the Holy Eucharist in the bowl of a parishioner of SaintJean-en–Grève who brought the Blessed Sacrament to her parish priest. Over the centuries, the Sacred Relic remained in a small reliquary in the church of Saint-Jean. During the French Revolution the Precious Relic was lost without a trace.”

Here are some other equally significant facts: The ecclesiastical authorities, the people and the king decided to transform the home of the one who desecrated the Sacred Host into a chapel in which the Holy Eucharist would be kept; the confiscation of the house of Jonathas, called “The House of Miracles” by King Phillip the Fair which was registered in a bill of sale from 1291; the transformation of the house into an oratory after the Bull that was obtained from Pope Boniface VIII; the name of the “Rue du Dieu bouilli” (The Street of God-boiled) given by the people of Paris to the “Rue des Jardins”; the Eucharistic celebration in the Chapel des Billettes of the Department of the Reparation on the second Sundays of Advent and Lent.of the Department of the Reparation on the second Sundays of Advent and Lent.