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The Catholic Defender: Welcome Fernando Gil to JP2Kck

I met Fernando last Sunday just before the 09:00 Mass. He was present for the 07:30 Mass after words he held choir practice. This picture really depicts his demeaner. We had a delightful talk and I shared with him after the 09:00 Mass he was in his office and he is very gracious. When he told me he was from Mexico, I told him of my devotion to Our Lady of Guadelupe that I have held since 1978 and have shared millions of times bringing many to the Catholic Church.

"He is a PhD Candidate in music conducting. He holds a master's degree in music composition and arrangement, and has a bachelor of music. In Puebla, Mexico, where he's lived for the past 12 years, he was accompanist for the Schola Cantorum of the Palafoxiano Pontifical Seminary, with whom recorded two albums. Last Summer, while attending the Sacra Liturgia Conference in Menlo Park, California, Fernando crossed paths with Dr. Lucas Tappan, who is a wonderful music director working at Most Pure Heart of Mary in Topeka. Fr. Farrar had discussed the music position opening at St. John Paul II with Lucas, and after he got to know Fernando and listened to him play and sing, Lucas called Fr. Farrar and said, “You ought to visit with Fernando. He’s good!” The rest, as they say, is history. Fernando is super excited to be here at JPII, and he's looking forward to meeting parishioners and developing choirs and the overall music program. Be on the lookout for invitations to grow in your musical abilities and to serve the Lord with music! Feel free to reach out to Fernando if you're interested in singing at Mass, or just to say, "Welcome!"

Fernando Gil was born in Orizaba, a small valley in Veracruz, Mexico near the Pico de Orizaba, which is the highest volcanic summit in North America. From his very early childhood he admired the beauty of the Church in art, in the great architecture of his home parish (a Franciscan convent), in the stained glass windows, and especially in the music he heard when attended Mass with his parents and his sister.

He started playing the organ at Mass when he was 13, and from then on he has never stopped serving the Church. Fernando loves to conduct choirs, as he realizes that choirs have a special vocation: they gather people from different backgrounds and provide an excellent environment to learn from each other while praising God. He is a PhD Candidate in music conducting. He holds a master's degree in music composition and arrangement, and has a bachelor of music.

In Puebla, Mexico, where he's lived for the past 12 years, he was accompanist for the Schola Cantorum of the Palafoxiano Pontifical Seminary, with whom recorded two albums.

Last Summer, while attending the Sacra Liturgia Conference in Menlo Park, California, Fernando crossed paths with Dr. Lucas Tappan, who is a wonderful music director working at Most Pure Heart of Mary in Topeka. Fr. Farrar had discussed the music position opening at St. John Paul II with Lucas, and after he got to know Fernando and listened to him play and sing, Lucas called Fr. Farrar and said, “You ought to visit with Fernando. He’s good!” The rest, as they say, is history. Fernando is super excited to be here at JPII, and he's looking forward to meeting parishioners and developing choirs and the overall music program. Be on the lookout for invitations to grow in your musical abilities and to serve the Lord with music!


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