The Catholic Defender Leads Rosary Rally At Olathe Kansas Town Square. America Needs Fatima

Our event, like that of Fatima, commenced at 12:00 noon, at the Olathe Kansas Town Square rather than the fields of Portugal.
While we did not have a gathering of over 70,000 people like those who crowded into the pasture lands of Fatima, we did have well over 400 people at both Olathe Rallies who braved the childed whether for several hours as I arived at 10:20 preparing for the celebration marking the 100th anniversary of the last public apparition at Fatima.
Hundreds of thousands of Catholics prayed the Rosary in public to beg God and the Blessed Mother to save America. In 25,570 public places from coast to coast, Catholics associated with America Needs Fatima held Public Square Rosary Rallies.
25,570 Red Roses were delivered to the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal. One Red Rose in honor of and for the intentions of each of the brave Rally Captains.
From Rosary Rally Captain Donald Hartley T: We held 2 rosary rallies in Olathe Ks. both held today 10/14/2023 with members of Prince of Peace/St. Paul's Catholic School children here in Olathe Ks was held today at noon. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to pray the rosary in public. God bless you!

"As America turns away from God, we’re seeing new levels of sin and chaos. Plus, it is harder to find solutions to our nation's growing moral problems,"World events are spiraling out of control. Society is splintering. We're suffering from the evil consequences of sexual immorality, abortion and same-sex 'marriage, "We must turn back to God and ask Our Lady for supernatural solutions. There is an urgent need for amendment of life and penance. If only we'd do what she requested at Fatima, people would get the courage and wisdom to turn things around in America."

A primary task of America Needs Fatima’s Rosary Rally Captains is to spread devotion to Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart. They responded to the call on May 13 by coordinating Public Rosaries Rallies during the month of Mary. All across America, Rally Captains reported on the success of their events and the positive feedback of their communities as they blanketed the country with prayers.
“Thank you for the opportunity to honor Our Lady of Fatima by praying the Rosary publicly. Our banner was prominently displayed on the front lawn of our parish in Caldwell, New Jersey, which is located on the busiest road in town.” Donald T. Hartley: Olatha Kansas Town Square

Faithful Rosary Rally Captains brought the message of Our Lady to the public square. They bore witness to her message at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917. Many rally captains have sent beautiful photos of their rallies. They describe the positive repercussions from their communities in glowing terms.
“A Group in Olathe, Kansas prayed the Rosary publicly at noon today. Thank you, America Needs Fatima, for helping and encouraging us to ask GOD for help in this our disordered world.” – Donald Hartley: Olathe Kansas,
America Needs Fatima’s next October Rosary Rally will be in honor of Our Lady of Fatima.
October is the month of the Rosary.
Bishops, priests and lay people across America say beautiful and encouraging things about the rosary rallies and the work we do here at America Needs Fatima.
As America and the world at large continue to grapple with the repercussions of war in the Ukraine and in Palestine and the inhumaine action of Humas many are understandably searching for a glimmer of hope.

Our lady of Fatima's public miracle that took place on 13 October 1917 provides mankind Heaven's plan
On October 14, at noon, 25,570Rosary Rallies were held across America in town squares. Approximately 1,000,000 America Catholics joined in these rallies praying for America.
This was Olathe's second year of having such a rally, there will be more.
America Needs Fatima (ANF) is a special campaign to spread the message of Fatima in the United States.
Praying the Rosary allows us to encounter Mary and to enter the mysteries of Jesus Christ.
May the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary, continue to inspire us to a life of discipleship.
Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech Thee from the bottom of my heart to secure me in my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee. Holy Mary, I place this cause in Your hands.

White rosary beads are a symbol of purity, holiness, and virtue. It also relates to respect and reverence for Our Lord. White beads are often used for baptism and wedding rosaries. Another popular design is to combine white beads with other colors.
A sterling silver or hematite bead or glass bead in a grey color is associated with mourning and mortality. This is a very important aspect of the rosary as we reflect on the life of Jesus and Mary.
Many confirmation rosaries use a red colored bead and this is because red is the color for Pentecost. Red beads symbolize blood and fire and are associated with the life and death of the saints. A red rosary is also often paired with the Divine Mercy centerpiece to match the red rays beaming from the Lord's heart.
An ideal color for a woman or girl to choose as a prayer devotional. The pink colored beads are associated with happiness, grace, gentility, and admiration.
The yellow beads represent the resurrection of Christ, joy, hope, and renewal. Other special symbolism of a yellow rosary is its reminder of the warmth of the sun, God's bounty, Divine light, marriage, and unity.

The black rosary bead symbolizes grounding and protection. When black beads are used in combination with prayer (including the rosary) it calls for the feelings of self-control and resilience. Although considered to many to be a formal or elegant color it is used in a variety of rosaries from elaborate to simple.
In the Catholic Church, the color blue symbolically represents purity and truth. The blue rosary bead is also associated with fidelity, honesty, and consistency of character.
Turquoise Rosary Bracelet – The Turquoise stone promotes wholeness, peace of mind, loyalty, self expression and creativity. This stone brings good luck and enables spiritual grounding.
The green rosary has had a long tradition as a symbol of hope and renewal and the promise of a new life! Many green rosaries will include an Irish or Celtic theme to them as Ireland is referred to as The Emerald Isle.
The word rosary itself comes from the Latin “rosarium,” meaning a garden or garland of roses. During the Middle Ages, agriculture metaphor was common. Writing often drew comparisons to plowing a field, and collecting prayers was seen as growing a garden or arranging a bouquet.
Our Lady of the Rosary, also known as Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, is a Marian title.
A brown rosary is very popular for a men's rosary as it has rustic tones that combine with simplicity and quality. The color brown is associated with the earth and when combined with the powers of the rosary symbolizes responsibility, stability, and protection as well as that of belonging and of strong family ties.