The Catholic Defender: John Benko Suffers Defeat Again At The Hands of Deepertruth 16 to 11, 8/21/2024.

Ken Litchfield and John Benko opened the 4 Persons scoring with a podcast to answer common objections to the Catholic faith
The 4 Person's most consistant Team Member, Richard Pettys Jr. picked up the ball completing the scoring with his podcast: Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Saint of the Day and Daily Update 2024.08.21
Deepertruth continued their dominance today over John Benko's The 4 Persons through following podcasts:
The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail
Novena to Our Lady of the Assumption Day 4
Stand In The Gap With Us And Saint Pius X
Deepertruths lead today is 208384 Up from 208379 (8/20/224)
Deepertruth holds at 68.4% Average per post
The 4 Persons at 10% Average per post
Deepertruth stands at 213,582, The 4 Persons ends with 5198

In the world of sports, proudly proclaiming your faith in Jesus Christ certainly stands out. Brett Favre is clearly comfortable with doing so.
Their hometown pastor, Fr. Tommy Conway says, “I think Deanna has shaped Brett Favre into the man he is today. I give her an awful lot of credit. They have faced adversity in their lives and they are both better people for it.”
Along with his Green Bay Packers success, including three Super Bowl MVP three times along with the Super Bowl, the Favre family continued to attend Mass either in Green Bay or their home town in Mississippi
Catholic Online ( names him second among the "Top 10 Catholic Heroes of the Super Bowl." For many Americans, "Our Favre" is less a divine figure than a fellow believer. Favre, though, is a peculiar Christian athlete whose career defies familiar evangelical optimism in favor of a darker, distinctly Catholic vision.

Brett Favre strong in his Catholic Faith he calls out for "Deepertruth to Beat John Benko" and the 4 Persons
Hebrews 12:1: "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." This verse uses the metaphor of a race to encourage perseverance in the Christian life. It inspires athletes to stay focused and determined, recognizing that their journey is a divinely appointed race that requires endurance and faith.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even the youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on the wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint. – Isaiah 40:29-31