The Catholic Defender: Eucharistic Miracle Bishop Claudio Gatti in Rome Italy 11 June 2000

Images of the Eucharistic Miracle that occurred during the Mass celebrated by bishop Claudio Gatti, in Rome, Italy.
On 11 June 2000, the feast of Pentecost, while I was celebrating Holy Mass in the church "Mother of the Eucharist" a great Eucharistic miracle took place.
I had just finished reciting the formula for the consecration of the bread when blood began to flow from my host.
For me time has stopped. I was bent over the host which I held in my hands and stared at the divine blood which spread over most of its surface.
I remained motionless for a time that seemed interminable to those present, because they thought I was feeling bad, as an impressive pallor and a strong blush alternated on my face.
When I recovered a little, I slowly elevated the host.
A lot of emotion was created among those present, but everything took place in an atmosphere of profound recollection and lively participation.
As I lowered my blood-stained host, I saw in the paten two other large hosts which, as the Mother of the Eucharist will later say, had been rescued from desecration and taken to the thaumaturgical place, because "the bishop, the seer and the members of the community love the Eucharist very much and are ready to give their lives to defend it."
After having recited the formula for the consecration of the wine and made the elevation of the chalice, I took the paten which contained the consecrated host stained with blood and the other two hosts rescued from desecration and I passed along the pews of the church so that those present could see them up close, ascertain the truthfulness of the fact, perceive the perfume that emanated from the blood-stained host to bear witness in the future to the miracle occurred.
When I did "the breaking of the bread", the blood continued to drip before the eyes of those present. Even with regret I had to consume my blood-stained host, as prescribed by the norms 113-116 of the IV chapter of the instructions for the celebration of Holy Mass which are contained in the missal.
When receiving Holy Communion I tasted the sweet taste of Jesus' blood and I felt a strong heat and an intense perfume that invaded my interior.
With this last great Eucharistic miracle God has put his seal on all the previous eucharistic miracles which have been rejected by the great men of the Church, who have demanded to know the name of the priest who had consecrated the hosts which Jesus, Our Lady, the saints and the angels have brought to the thaumaturgical place, including the numerous hosts which have shed blood.
Just as John saw the blood and the water coming out of Jesus' pierced side, so I, a bishop ordained by God, the visionary Marisa Rossi and many people saw the blood coming out of the host consecrated by me and we can repeat with the apostle: "And he that hath seen hath borne witness, and his witness is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye also may believe." (Jn 19:35)