Deepertruth Judy Alciatore offers her perspective on the Church and President Trump

We have been hearing a lot lately about all the scandals in the Catholic Church... We have also heard a lot of ugliness about Pres. Trump... What we do NOT hear are all the wonders that come from Catholicism, nor do we hear about all the good that Pres. Trump has done...
Now we need to ask ourselves why these awful things are happening...
If you wanted to destroy someone or something, wouldn't you create chaos and mayhem?... Wouldn't you use devious tactics to tempt and lure into sin?...
Wouldn't you spread lies and innuendo?...Wouldn't you exaggerate what wrongdoing might already exist?...
This is EXACTLY what Satan has been, and is, doing to the Catholic Church and to our president... And at the same time, he is blurring the truth about the REAL evil, making evil appear good and good appear evil...
So, now, what do we do in the face of all this confusion?...Do we walk away, following Pilate's example of "washing our hands" of the whole ordeal?...Or do we stand and fight for what we know is the truth?...

Satan wants to destroy ALL Christianity...He wants to destroy ALL freedom...We know the saying that evil will thrive if good people do nothing...
So, ask yourself this question: WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?...You may say to yourself that you are just one person...You may ask yourself what CAN you possibly do...
Well, each of us is just one person, but we can TRY...We can spread the truth to others...Or we can just give up and do nothing...We can sit back and let evil win...
Satan wants to destroy YOU, remember that...He always goes after the best, the truest, the strongest, the most faithful...But, remember this, as well: SATAN HAS NO POWER UNLESS WE GIVE IT TO HIM...He can tempt and lure all he wants, but we have free will...
Do we say no to evil, or do we say yes?...What will YOU choose?...
If you find this post to be worthwhile, please share it with others and ask them to do the same...We might not succeed, but at least we will have tried...
Thank You, Lord, for always giving me the words...

Lin Wood's lawsuit was accepted at the Supreme Court, and the Michigan findings on the forensic examination of the 22 Dominion machines were sealed, as the outcome of those findings are damning. The Arizona legislature has withheld their electors.
The Supreme Court did not take the Texas lawsuit based on standing, not that it did not have merit, because it does have merit - based on massive fraud.
The Supreme Court said that Texas and/or other states can refile their cases against WI, MI, PA, and GA with the correct terms such as “motion to file the bill of complaint,” and their cases will be heard by Supreme Court. An election fraud report will be turned into President Trump on Friday 12/18, which is 45 days after the election per his 2018 Executive Order.
That could be a triggering event for declaring the Insurrection Act. And in today's hearing on FB, Zuckerberg accused of tampering with the election. Nice!