The Guardian Angel: Reflections received for IC Marian Conference, Jackson, MO
Reflections received for IC Marian Conference, Jackson, MO

• Each speaker well prepared and very informative to help change my life and walk with Jesus & Mary. Would change nothing, Thank you.
• What a blessing! Especially the film about the angels & Saints filling the Church during Consecration. Awesome. “All beautifully told,” Conference was perfect, would change nothing, very impressive.
• Confessions liberally offered & encouraged. Freedom to come and go, mover around; variety of instruction and structure that is not limiting to being seated for long amounts of time. Would link more instruction/explanation of the importance of relics(m apologies if this occurred, I missed it, my family did miss parts of some presentations.
• So touching to the heart and soul. Enjoyed it all. Music programs, stations beautiful but maybe a little long for us oldies. Best food ever you outdid yourselves on it, or should say everyone else. Thank you on Décor, beautiful home, Marian Theme everywhere. Could use a few longer breaks, but know it is hard when so much in crammed in. Maybe shorter talks.
• Very well and spiritually presented, Stations awesome. Music awesome, Speakers so good. Maybe a few longer breaks.

• The speakers were inspirational. The singer and film during the stations was awesome! All the work that was done to bring it to Jackson (Immaculate Conception) Would change nothing.
• The speakers were amazing, the music and singing superb, the atmosphere – blessed spiritually moved. The food was great! More attendance
• Liked- to make this available close to home. Would change nothing, it was Wonderful!
• Especially liked Father Kelly & his passion for Mary. Donna Cori, Passion of Christ every emotional for me. Donna’s Divine Mercy. The entire program was great. Ladies and gentlemen for the food and being able to touch Relics. Very organized, just keep up the excellent work.
• I liked Father Joseph Kelly’s talk very much. Donna Cori was excellent in all she did. Michael McGlinn. Great I enjoyed and all the rest were great.
• Speakers were knowledgeable and interesting to listen to. Donna Cori was amazing to listen to and the Stations she presented was humbling, and prayerful and powerful. Food was amazing! Tables and seating great! Dominic Rizzi – Excellent! Stand up wiggle breaks a little more often and table talk time regarding talks would be appreciated.
• Thank you all so much!!! The décor, the speakers and topics, the pray and music, gathering with others- Wow!!! The Marian artwork and the food, thanks so very much! Relics – how very, very special! And 3 opportunities for Mass! I live way out in the country, so this was a huge deal for me! Probably best to have Covid protocols in place, the Delta variant is every contagious, even infecting some who are immunized. It there any way we could have confessions before Mass rather than after? But Thank you for offering confession time through the weekend! I appreciate so very much all of the speakers, please, yelling scares me. Also, we were rather passive listeners, please ask more reflective questions and/or discussion/faith sharing opportunities at table. More young families could come if childcare would be provided.

• Each speaker was unique and focused on the internal message. The music was powerful and helped me center my heart on Jesus and Mary. It was absolutely wonderful, Thank You! God Bless!
• Speakers knowledgeable /well prepared. Well organized!! Would like to see discussion of evil in the church hierarchy.
• All the speakers were very good!!! Especially appreciated Dr. Gregory’s witness, Donald Hartley & Christine Magruder. Father Kelly was good to open the weekend, his talk was great. Donna Cori has a lovely voice. Probably wouldn’t change one thing. Appreciated the beautiful effort all of the ladies and men who worked so hard.
• Wonderful speakers, hospitality fabulous and Great Organization. Michael McGlinn – Genuine expression of his confidence in God’s goodness. Veil Removed, Absolutely beautiful-peace. Donald Hartley after lunch was perfect, fantastic humor and testimony (No Napping!! After a great lunch) Dominic Rizzi Know, Love, and Serve God will use ordinary people to do extraordinary things, loved it. Donna Core beautiful voice, very peaceful. I forgot to bring my own paper, 1 blank sheet for notes would be helpful, “My Bad” Thank you, Well Done!!
• I loved Christine Magruder and her “Miracles surround” The Veil Removed” The food was amazing! I had thoughs that this would be good but it exceeded all expectations! The Relics were so beautiful! More widely advertised to get more people there.

• Appreciated opportunity for Mass, Rosary and Confessions. All presenters were passionate about their topic and faith. Music is a great means to communicate and thoroughly enjoyed it. Food was great. Would be good to have actual schedule published in advance.
• Beautiful Mass and prolonged elevation of the Eucharist. Speakers good, food good. The Knights of Columbus, the I.C, parish ladies and sponsoring and others that helped. Vendors. Donna Cori, Wonderful Treat!
• This was my first Marian Conference. It has truly touched my heart and changed my life! Thank You! • All terrific! Donna singing the way of the Cross, Michael Sharing the power of the Adoration. Christine telling us the Mass is never boring!! Thanks Father Randy for the extended elevation of the Host and Chalice. Donna’s Explanation of devotion to Mary, Concise and unquestionable!! More time for visiting Relics & Adoration—didn’t want to miss any part of presentations.
• I appreciated all of it and can’t think of anything to improve. • Michael, Education and Devotion to Adoration to the Holy Sacrament, Jesus. Maybe have venders in a more private area as conversations are going on while speakers are speaking, distracting, maybe could announce before hand.
• Wonderful Conference. Wonderful people. Organized well. Obvious well planned well prepared Conference. Thank you for choosing our area for presentations.

• I appreciated all of the elements to make this such a wonderful event, and most of all I’m thankful for the opportunity to be able to attend such and amazing Conference. Thanks to all who devoted their time, energy to bring such a blessing to Jackson Immaculate Conception Church. I don’t know how you can improve it when you let the Holy Spirit guide you. May God Bless all the speakers with a safe trip home. Love and Prayers
• Thank you Father Randy, Deacon All, and all that helped to make it possible to bring this Marian Conference to Immaculate Conception. Each of the speakers were great and added something to my knowledge and understanding. This helped me to be a better Catholic.
• Nice variety of food. Fabulous watermelon, very spacious area. Surprised me so many Relics displayed. 9:30 on 1st night was too late for me. May more Catholics attend? This was my 1st Marian Conference. I’d bring friends if so. Get more young adults, college kids to attend if possible. Do evens ever host kids activities? That may help more attend.
• Speakers stick to your time (they may get lost in time) Speaker Coaches may need to walk into their line of sight to clue them when the are at or near the limit of their time.

• The singing was beautiful. Father Kelly was very inspiring and informative, fire brand. Michael McGlinn inspired me to pray more and listen more. Dominic Rizzi fun informed talk to light the fire of the Holy Spirit and very encouraging to develop deeper Faith. More encouragement for people to join in their part of the Divine Mercy Prayer/song.
• I appreciated Speakers, Rosaries, Confession, and Masses. Less chatter at back of room while speaker is giving presentation. • I appreciated all of the speakers. All messages were very inspirational. I also appreciated how welcoming everyone was. There was to many smiles. Would love more people to attend.
• Christine Magruder and Michael McGlinn. I would like to see Mrs. Christine Magruder go to every Catholic School and every Catholic Church in the world to share Christ with everyone.
• What a blessing to have the Marian Conference in this area. It was a very needed weekend in my life. Learned to many new things. Pens and journals for not taking would be good.
• The Speakers and Musical persons. The prayer time, Mass, Rosary done as a group. Truly wonderful experience. Advertise more. Have other great in area talk about it. Great Time!

• The entire program was awesome. Beautiful mix of prayers, witness, song and scriptural teaching. Give Dominic Rizzi more time on the schedule. • Loved the singers & singing. Enjoyed hearing more about Mary.
• “Everything” was amazing. Better than I ever imagined. I can’t think of anything to improve.
• Very good speakers! Great grateful we were able to be here. Food was delicious! Thank You!
• Every speaker was amazing. All used AV materials so effectively to augment their presentations. Obviously. Everyone has a deep love of our Mother Mary, and Our Lord Jesus. I am grateful for their testimonies. More people should have taken advantage of this wonderful Marian Conference. We are living in very difficult times. We need to strengthen one another in our faith.
• I thought everything was wonderful. Very well planned. You did a great job! Keep up the good work. You need more breaks, too long between topics. You could cut out a speaker (not that they weren’t great) Just time was too long.
• I was so proud to be Catholic seeing all the people that made this event possible, meeting new friends, have great food, everyone greeting, wonderful speakers and presentations, and the priests and deacon were awesome. I believe Mary and Jesus would be proud also. Nothing to improve.

This was our 23 Conference and what a Conference this was. It was well attended and the volunteers who helped out was fantastic. It's these times that I see much hope in what we do in presenting the Gospel. Everyone there will take something positive to their family and friends and this will continue to inspire future Conferences.
If what we do can help one person find their place in eternity, all this is worth it. To support our Clergy as they administer the Sacraments, for many, this is enriching and life changing. If we can foster devotion to the Rosary among good Catholics, the Divine Mercy, the Mass, then that is a success. Our Lord is calling for us to be faithful in reaching out for Him.
I want to thank all those who responded in what they received through the Conference. This helps us to improve what we do to always seeking to do better.
One of my favorite songs coming from Donna Cori as she conducted the Stations of the Cross: