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The Guardian Angel: Eucharistic Miracle of Douai, France, 1254 and More

May we pray on our knees that France will turn back to being the Daughter of the Catholic Church, so much rich history. The two readings today are a must and you will see why you should each share with a 100 others and ask them to share. We are living in the world and it is no game that Satan wants to destroy all of us and our families. Send the love of Jesus and Mary to those God has gifted you with, and put into your path to be the one that touches them and when we do, there is more and more life given for eternity, the Holy Spirit will give you the strength if you say Yes, like Mary did. There are souls waiting to hear from you. To Jesus through Mary, GregoryMary

In the Eucharistic miracle of Douai, a consecrated Host was unintentionally dropped to the ground while a priest was distributing Communion to the faithful. Immediately he bent down to pick up the Holy Eucharist, but the Host lifted up in flight and lighted on the purificator. A little later, a wonderful Child appeared there, Who all the faithful and religious present in the celebration could contemplate. Although more than 800 years have elapsed, even today it is still possible to admire the Host of the miracle. All Thursdays of the month in the Church of Saint Peter of Douai, many faithful gather in prayer before the miraculous Host.

Bonum universale de Apibus is the work written by an eye witness of the miracle: the Dominican Father Thomas de Cantimpré, doctor of theology and “suffragan” Bishop of Cambrai. On the day of Easter in 1254 in the Church of St. Amato in Douai, a priest who was distributing Holy Communion unintentionally dropped a consecrated Host to the ground. Immediately he bent down to pick up the Sacred Species, but the Host lifted up in flight and lighted on the purificator. A little later, a wonderful Child appeared there Who all the faithful and religious present in the celebration could contemplate.

The news spread quickly, and the Bishop of Cambrai, Thomas de Cantimpré, came immediately to Douai to verify the facts in person, which he described in this manner: “I went to the Dean of the Church, followed by many faithful, and I asked to see the miracle. The Dean opened the small case in which he had reposed the Host of the miracle, but initially I didn't see anything special. “I was conscious though, that nothing could prevent me from seeing, as was true of the others, the Sacred Body. I didn’t even have time to ask myself this type of question, when I scarcely looked at the Host and saw the face of Christ crowned with thorns with two drops of Blood that descended on His forehead. Immediately I knelt, and crying, I began to thank God”.

It is certain that already by the year 1356, that is, one century after the apparition, every year on Wednesday of Holy Week, a feast in memory of the miracle of the Blessed Sacrament was celebrated, and the document which records it indicates that this event was in existence already for a long time. The precious relic of the miracle was conserved and honored until the Revolution. Then all signs of this marvel were lost for many years.

In October 1854, the Pastor of the Church of St. Peter by chance discovered underneath the Christ in the Altar of the Dead, a small wooden box containing a small Host, still white, but with damaged edges. A letter written in Latin gives witness: “I, the undersigned, Canon of the distinguished collegial Church of St. Amato, certify it to be the real and true Host of the holy miracle, which I removed from imminent danger of profanation and which I have happily collected. I have placed the Host in this pyx and have left this witness, written by my own hand, for the faithful who will discover the Sacred Miracle in the future (January 5, 1793)”.

The message received by the nun, Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque of Paray-le-Monial, contains the “Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart,” in which Jesus reveals the graces linked to this devotion. Love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus is directly tied to that of love for the Eucharist. As the great apostle of this devotion, the Jesuit priest Henri Ramiere wrote, “It is in the Eucharist that we truly find the Heart of Jesus nearest to us; it is in the Eucharist that He unites himself in a most intimate way to us, and we to Him.”

Saint Margaret received many mystical gifts and some revelations from Jesus. We list here below the “Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart” which the Lord revealed to the saint:

1. To those devoted to My Sacred Heart, I will give all the graces and helps necessary to their state of life (Letter #141).

2. I will establish and safeguard peace in their families (Letter #35).

3. I will console them in all their afflictions (Letter #141).

4. I will be their sure refuge in life, and above all, at the hour of death (Letter #141).

5. I will pour abundant blessings on all of their labors and undertakings (Letter #141).

6. Sinners will find in My Heart an inexhaustible source of mercy (Letter #132).

7. Lukewarm souls will become fervent with the practice of this devotion (Letter #132).

8. Fervent souls will ascend rapidly to a higher perfection (Letter #132).

9. My blessing will remain in those places in which the image of the Sacred Heart will be displayed and venerated (Letter #35).

10. To all those who labor for the salvation of souls, I will give the grace to be able to convert the hardest hearts (Letter #141).

11. Persons who spread this devotion will have their names written forever in My Heart (Letter #141).

12. To all people who receive Communion on the first Fridays of nine consecutive months, I will give the grace of endless perseverance and of eternal salvation (Letter #86).


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