The Catholic Defender: Deepertruth
I want to thank all of you who continue to follow and listen in to our Deepertruth Internet Radio shows on Blog Talk Radio. It is always a great joy to promote our holy Faith.
Luke 5:4 states, "And when he had ceased speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." I have always spiritualized this scripture to show that we can go out into the deep and cast out our nets to delve into the depth of our Catholic Faith.
We do not simply surf fish, but we go deep sea fishing!
During the last few years, Deepertruth has many to thank for participating with our programs.
People like Sister Philip Marie Burle of Washington D.C. who participated with the Rosary Patrol and many others who pray the Rosary and Divine Mercy with us.
John Carpenter co-hosts the Journey With Mary series with support coming with Judy Alciatore (Texas) and Joseph Martone Jr (Colorado). Judy's poems are truly inspiring! Catholic artists Donna Lee and Elise R. Brion has been important supporting our shows as well.
Gregory Thompson (Missouri) co-hosts the series on Eucharistic Miracles and Totus Tuus and many other presentations to include the Southwest Missouri Marian Conferences.
Mark Kiser (Missouri) co-hosts the "Be Strong, Be a Man series" which is encouraging men to be men for Christ.
Christie Martin (Texas) co-host the "Garden of Holiness" series, Jeff Hutchins (Texas) co-hosted the series on Evangization promoting St. Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE).
Matt and Patti Pryor of Michigan and Jake Davies of the United Kingdom helped co-host our "Trump for America" series helping Donald Trump win the Presidential Election among Catholics and others.
There have been many people to thank for their participation in our shows, David Nunez (helped with our John Michael Talbot concert at Fort Hood Texas) and Eric Genius of Radix gave concerts at Fort Hood Texas, Copperas Cove Texas, and also Temple Texas.
Margie Prox Sindelar played a vital role in our Roundtable series.
We had interviews with Catholic Speakers Steve Ray, Alex Jones, and Catholics Come Home founder and President Tom Peterson and many others.
We have had many people from over 100 Countries listening in to these shows thanks to Facebook and many people who follow Deepertruth.
I want to thank everyone who have played a part in our apostolate, John Benko and many others whose contribution made this possible.
I have always said that if we can help one person in all that we do, then this is all worth it.
James 5:19-20 states, "My brethren, if any one among you wanders from the truth and some one brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins."