The Guardian Angel: Eucharistic Miracle of Bordeaux, France, 1820

"Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand... Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight His paths." Prepare yourself through confession to receive the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus, the Eucharistic Lord. Mary bring us to your Son with a pure heart.
"So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter." (2 Thes. 2:15) "And what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." (2 Tim. 2:2)
"We see that the Saviour took [something] in His hands, as it is in the Gospel, when He was reclining at the supper; and He took this, and giving thanks, He said: 'This is really Me.' And He gave to His disciples and said: 'This is really Me.' And we see that It is not equal nor similar, not to the incarnate image, not to the invisible divinity, not to the outline of His limbs. For It is round of shape, and devoid of feeling. As to Its power, He means to say even of Its grace, 'This is really Me.'; and none disbelieves His word. For anyone who does not believe the truth in what He says is deprived of grace and of a Savior."
-"The Man Well-Anchored" [57] 374 A.D.

"Holy, holy, holy Lord Sabaoth, heaven and earth is full of Your glory.' Heaven is full, and full is the earth with your magnificent glory, Lord of Virtues. Full also is this Sacrifice, with your strength and your communion; for to You we offer this living Sacrifice, this unbloody oblation.,
To you we offer this bread, the likeness of the Body of the Only-begotten. This bread is the likeness of His holy Body because the Lord Jesus Christ, on the night on which He was betrayed, took bread and broke and gave to His disciples, saying, 'Take and eat, this is My Body, which is being broken for you, unto the remission of sins.' On this account too do we offer the Bread, to bring ourselves into the likeness of His death; and we pray: Reconcile us all, O God of truth, and be gracious to us. And just as this Bread was scattered over the mountains and when collected was made one, so too gather Your holy Church from every nation and every country and every city and village and house and make it one living Catholic Church.,
We offer also the cup, the likeness of His Blood, because the Lord Jesus Christ took the cup after He had eaten, and He said to His disciples, 'Take, drink, this is the new covenant, which is My Blood which is being poured out for you unto the remission of sins.' For this reason too we offer the chalice, to benefit ourselves by the likeness of His Blood. O God of truth, may Your Holy Logos come upon this Bread, that the Bread may become the Body of the Logos, and on this Cup, that the Cup may become the Blood of the Truth. And make all who communicate receive the remedy of life, to cure every illness and to strengthen every progress and virtue; not unto condemnation, O God of truth, nor unto disgrace and reproach!,
For we invoke You, the Increate, through Your Only-begotten in the Holy Spirit. Be merciful to this people, sent for the destruction of evil and for the security of Your Church. We beseech You also on behalf of all the departed, of whom also this is the commemoration: - after the mentioning of their names: - Sanctify these souls, for You know them all; sanctify all who have fallen asleep in the Lord and count them among the ranks of Your saints and give them a place and abode in your kingdom. Accept also the thanksgiving of Your people and bless those who offer the oblations and the Thanksgivings, and bestow health and integrity and festivity and every progress of soul and body on the whole of this Your people through your Only-begotten Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit, as it was and is and will be in generations of generations and unto the whole expanse of the ages of ages. Amen.",
-"The Sacramentary of Serapion, Prayer of the Eucharistic Sacrifice" ,

Eucharistic Miracle of Bordeaux, France, 1820
In the Eucharistic miracle of Bordeaux, Jesus appeared in the Host exposed for public adoration for more than 20 minutes, giving a blessing. Even today it is possible to visit the chapel of the miracle and venerate the precious relic of the Monstrance of the apparition, which is kept in Martillac, France, in the church of the contemplative community “La Solitude”.
The Eucharistic miracle of Bordeaux is closely connected to the Community founded in 1820 by the Venerable Father Pierre Noaille.
The Community is still active today, especially in Asia and Africa. The marvel occurred twenty months after the foundation of the Community in their Church of St. Eulalia in Rue Mazarin, Bordeaux. Jesus appeared in the Host immediately after Abbot Delort, who that day was substituting for Fr. Noaille in the liturgical celebrations, gave the benediction with the Blessed Sacrament.
The great number of the faithful who were present were able to contemplate for more than twenty minutes, the apparition of Jesus giving a blessing, which was visible on the Host exposed for public adoration. In addition, someone testified to have heard Jesus saying: “I Am He Who Is”.
This event was approved by the ecclesiastical authorities, among whom were the Archbishop of Bordeaux,Monsignor D'Aviau, who heard personally the witness of the faithful who attested to the marvel.
Even today it is possible to visit the chapel of the miracle and venerate the precious relic of the monstrance of the apparition.