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The Catholic Defender: The Virgin visits Beauraing, Belgium

Our Lady's 33 appearances to five young children in Beauraing first began on November 29, 1932 and concluded on January 3, 1933. At the time of the first apparition, the children’s ages ranged from 9 to 15 years old. After the first apparition, the children ran home to tell their parents.

The Virgin appeared the next day as the children left the convent yard and again they were frightened. On the third day of apparitions, several adults and parents accompanied the children to the convent yard determined to find out who was playing the prank.

When the Blessed Mother appeared the children fell to their knees and began praying the Rosary in unison. Only they could see her. The Virgin was young, wore a brilliant white gown, and radiated a beautiful blue light. As she continued to appear over the next few nights, the crowds grew larger. On December 4th she affirmed her title of "Immaculate Virgin" and when asked what she wanted she replied, "That you always be good.”

On December 8th over 15, 000 pilgrims journeyed to Beauraing. On this day the Mother of God appeared even more beautiful and brilliant than before. In the next apparition the Blessed Virgin Mary asked for a chapel to be built. On the last day of the year, she revealed her radiant heart to the children. The final apparition took place on January 3rd with 30,000 pilgrims present, the Virgin revealed three secrets. To two of the children, she promised to "convert sinners.” To Andree Degeimbre she said,

 " I am the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven, pray always.” She then exposed her radiant heart one last time. One child named, Fernande, was unable to see the Virgin and was very saddened. Suddenly, the Virgin Mary appeared before him and asked the kneeling child, "Do you love my son? Do you love me? Then sacrifice yourself for me.” Departing, she gave the child a marvelous vision of her Immaculate Heart as it shone with light and love.

Our Lady of Beauraing gained Holy See approval from Pope Pius XII in 1949 and has remained an extremely popular Pilgrimage site.

Our Lady's 33 appearances to five young children in Beauraing first began on November 29, 1932 and concluded on January 3, 1933. At the time of the first apparition, the children's ages ranged from 9 to 15 years old. After the first apparition, the children ran home to tell their parents.

The Virgin of Beauraing, also known as Our Lady of the Golden Heart, is the title given to 32 Marian apparitions that took place in Beauraing, Belgium between November 1932 and January 1933. The children who reported the apparitions were between 9 and 15 years old and belonged to two families: the Voisins and the Degeimbres. The children saw Mary dressed in white walking above them on a railway bridge, telling them to pray, build a chapel, and make pilgrimages there. In her final apparition on January 3, 1933, she revealed her Golden Heart and said, "I will convert sinners. I am the Mother of God, the Queen of heaven". 

University of Dayton

Our Lady of Beauraing, the Virgin with the Golden Heart : University of Dayton, Ohio

Nov 23, 2020


Our Lady of Beauraing - Wikipedia

Our Lady of Beauraing (French: Notre-Dame de Beauraing; also known as the Virgin of the Golden Heart) is the title of 32 Marian apparitions reported in Beauraing, Belgium, between November 1932 and January 1933 by five children whose ages ranged between 9 and 15. For several years after the apparitions, pilgrims flocked to the small town of Beauraing, province of Namur (Belgium), and many cures were claimed. She is celebrated under this title on 29 November. ... Statue of the Virgin of the Golden Heart.

National Catholic Register

The ‘Golden Heart’ Apparition of Our Lady of Beauraing| National Catholic Register

Aug 10, 2016

The Miracle Hunter

Marian Apparitions::Beauraing - The Miracle Hunter

From November 29, 1932 to January 3, 1933, Mary appeared 33 times to the playground of a convent school to five children. The children belonged to two families: the Voisins (Fernande, 15 years; Berthe, 13 years; and Albert 11 years) and the Degeimbres (Andre, 14 years, and Gilberte, 9 years old).

In 1949, Father Joseph Debergh founded the Pro Maria Committee to spread the story of Mary's 33 appearances in Beauraing. The committee used pamphlets, tours, and other forms of promotion. In 1958, Debergh and Don Sharkey were awarded the Marian Library Medal for their book Our Lady of Beauraing. 

Many pilgrims have flocked to the small town of Beauraing for several years after the apparitions, and many cures have been claimed. Some say that Beauraing was a continuation of Fatima, which occurred during World War I. 

The last living visionary, Gilberte Degeimbre, died at the age of 91 on February 10, 2015. 

OUR LADY OF BEAURAING, IMMACULATE VIRGIN, carry to Jesus, your Son, all the intentions which we confide to you this day. (Here mention your intentions) Mother with the Golden Heart, mirror of the tenderness of the Father, look with love upon the men and women of our time and fill them with the joy of your presence. You who promised to convert sinners, help us discover the infinite mercy of our God. Awaken in us the grace of conversion so that all our life becomes the reflection of this mercy. Holy Mother of God, look down upon our miseries, console us in our sorrows, give strength to all those who are suffering. Queen of Heaven, crowned with light, help us grow in faith, hope and love, and we shall be able to give thanks without end. You brought Jesus into the world, may we by prayer, by sharing His Word and by the testimony of our life filled with love and joy make Him be born in all hearts. May every instant of our life be a YES to the question, which you are asking us today: Do you love my son? Do you love me? Then the reign of Jesus will come into the world. AMEN.


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