The Catholic Defender: Pope Francis: “There’s grace in Medjugorje. There’s no denying it; people"
Pope Francis States, >Though the Mother of God “loves everyone” and “isn’t the boss of a Post Office, there to send messages every day,” says Francis regarding Medjugorje, “God performs miracles in Medjugorje. In the midst of the craziness of human beings, God continues to work miracles.”
Pope Francis continues, "God performs miracles in Medjugorje. In the midst of the craziness of human beings, God continues to work miracles.”
"I think there’s grace in Medjugorje. There’s no denying it. There are people who have conversions."
There is talk that perhaps the Church could eventually recognize only the first seven apparitions, in light of a report prepared by a group of Church officials about Medjugorje.
Dialogue with journalists
During his dialogue with journalists on the way back from the shrine at Fatima, which just celebrated the 100th anniversary of the apparition of the Virgin Mary, the pope revealed the results of the commission that identified a very clear difference between the beginning of the phenomenon which is “considered supernatural” (June 24 – July 3, 1981) and what happened after the first visions.
The commission’s report explains that the six visionary children were psychologically normal, that they were surprised by the apparition, and that there was no external influence on what they said they saw.
As was the case with the three little shepherds of Fatima, the seers of Medjugorje refused to tell what they had seen, despite having been arrested by the police and threatened with death. Also, the hypothesis that the phenomenon could be demonic was rejected.
Pope Francis States, >Though the Mother of God “loves everyone” and “isn’t the boss of a Post Office, there to send messages every day,” says Francis regarding Medjugorje, “God performs miracles in Medjugorje. In the midst of the craziness of human beings, God continues to work miracles.”
Pope Francis continues, "God performs miracles in Medjugorje. In the midst of the craziness of human beings, God continues to work miracles.”
"I think there’s grace in Medjugorje. There’s no denying it. There are people who have conversions."
In 2010 the Holy See appointed a special doctrinal commission led by His Eminence Cardinal Camillo Ruini. In 2014 the commission concluded its operation and submitted its conclusions to the Holy Father. He subsequently forwarded the case to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. To date, the Congregation has not adopted its final position.
We should by no means worry! The Church has not yet spoken on the authenticity of the apparitions. We should calmly wait for the final position. This is by no means the first situation when the Church is slow to take a decision, especially given that the form of the Marian apparitions in Medjugorje significantly differs from that of earlier well-known apparitions.
According to John Benko, the "Vatican already has" Benko is basically calling anyone who disagrees with him as a heritic?
He is followed by members of the 4 Persons Network
It looks like this debate will continue for years among investigators.
The Church has not yet spoken on the authenticity of the apparitions.