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The Catholic Defender: Journey With Mary as Deepertruth joins Mother Mary in Cuenca Ecuador 1988

The story as related by Patrica Talbot. Like many young women Patrica had the ambition of being successful. Being a beautiful young lady, she wanted to be a model, travel, wanted to eventually marry and start a family. Patrica is not really out of the ordinary here, here she describes my wife who accomplished this and much much more. Unfortunately, Patrica was not that interested in spiritual things like the Catholic Faith and the Virgin Mary. She was raised Catholic, but like so many times, we see young people lured by the way of the world, I see this everyday with people I meet.

Something would change all this for Patrica and hopefully for many who sees and hears this story. John Carpenter and I have shared many occasions where the Blessed Virgin Mary appears that affects such a change.

On August 28, 1988, Patrica reports that at 4:50 in the morning. "A great light invaded the place, from which Mary presented herself saying “Do not be afraid". "I am your Mother from Heaven." Place your hands on your chest and pray very much for the peace of the world now is when it is most in need. I love you very much, my littlest daughter. Change. Pray for priests and religious, because Satan tempts them with sin and his main attack will be to bring confusion. Tomorrow first thing in the morning, I desire that you make me an altar in this place and put blessed candles on it. I am the Guardian of the Faith, and I will always be with you. Now, my little one, call your mother; pray until dawn as I showed you. I love you very much, my little girl."

That is a fantastic happening. Being in the United States Army for more than 26 years, 04:50 in the morning is usual. But for Our Lady to come calling like this, she is showing what kind of General The Virgin Mary really is. Time after time, this great light invades the place. Our Lady is closely connected to the Light of the world.

Patrica like other seers who reports seeing the Virgin Mary, she gives her impression: she claims she was very startled, but she was not terrified. When the Lady told her to cross her hands over her chest and to pray, she began to pray very quickly, saying "Our Father, who art in heaven…" but the Lady told her: "Not like that, but like this," and she began to pray with her, saying very slowly; "Our Father, who art in heaven…" After finishing speaking, the beautiful Lady disappeared, leaving a soft scent of flowers, which remained for three days in the whole house.

I had a similar experience as I was leading a bible study/prayer group praying the Rosary when a soft scent of flowers, hit me. I went around the group embracing each and everyone searching for the source of the scent. I appeared to come from the front of the room where we had a statue of Our of Grace had been placed. After being satisficed that the scent was not coming from anyone in the room, it became clear to all else what I was doing. Soon, everyone experienced this miracle amongst us.

We were all excited in wonder over what had just occured.

Patricia continues her story:

says she felt confused by what she had just experienced and began to cry. She then woke her mom up and told her what had happened, and both began praying until dawn as Our Lady had asked. Later, that same morning, with some friends with whom she had shared what had happened, Patrica went to buy candles to be able to begin preparing a small altar. Over the following days, the whole family gathered to pray regularly and little by little, close friends began to believe and later other people came to pray at the site.

In general, the messages are a call to prayer, to consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Merciful Heart of Jesus, prayer of the Rosary and the use of the Brown Scapular, to penance, fasting, and to increase attendance at Holy Mass--in the end, it is a call to personal holiness.

Our Lady gave Paricia warnings about possible catastrophes, natural as well as those caused by man, and of sufferings for the Holy Father and the Church. She also told her that humanity must diligently prepare for the Reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

What is being testified about Patricia Talbot Borrero, repeats it in each spiritual talk or testimony that she gives. That young girl from Cuenca who in the 90's was known both locally and around the world for affirming that Our Lady appeared to her, is now a housewife, dedicated to her husband, to catechesis and to strengthening the Guardian of Faith community which was created --

Patricia Talbot insists that the path to God is not easy, because there has to be a true conversion of heart. "Each one can do it, but he has to have faith and if he is determined to do it; If there is this, there is hope.

Patricia was born in Cuenca, Ecuador, on June 25, 1972. During the night of August 28, 1988, she reports having received the visit of our Mother from Heaven, the Guardian of the Faith who said to her: “Do not be afraid, I am your Mother from Heaven, look at Me. I am the Holy Mary, ever Virgin, the Guardian of the Faith. Place your hands over your chest, daughter, I have come to ask you to pray for peace in the world, because it is now that it is most needed.” On June 15, 1989, Pachi reports that the Blessed Virgin Mary chose, and signaled with a ray of light from Heaven, a very special location high in the Andes Mountains called:

“El Cajas” which Our Lady called "Her little piece of Heaven" where She would pour forth Her blessings upon all pilgrims who came there. I would add this little piece of Heaven should include our homes and our hearts.

With the approval of Archbishop Vicente Cisneros Durán, then Archbishop of Cuenca, on May 1, 2000, the Association of Mother Mary, Guardian of the Faith was founded as a fruit of this experience with the Blessed Virgin Mary. In March of 2009, at the request of the same Archbishop of Cuenca, a summary of these messages was published with the imprimatur of the Church. Patricia is dedicated to her husband, Andrés Vega, whom she married in 1991; to her family and to the mission of bringing the messages of conversion to God, love and devotion to the Eucharist, the Sacraments and sharing her testimony of devotion to Our Lady.


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