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The Catholic Defender: Article from Catholic Convert-Apologest Friend Steve Ray

You would not have wanted to be with St. Paul today because February 10 is the Feast Day of the Shipwreck of St. Paul on Malta.

I have been on ships in the Mediterranean many times and I make a practice each time of going out on the deck on a stormy night and imagining....

Paul was shipwrecked FOUR TIMES and once spent a whole day and a night floating on the sea waiting to be rescued (2 Cor 11:25; plus the 4th on Malta, Acts 28:1).

You would not have wanted to be with St. Paul today because February 10 is the Feast Day of the Shipwreck of St. Paul on Malta. I have been on ships in the Mediterranean many times and I make a practice each time of going out on the deck on a stormy night and imagining....

One of my favorite things is to discover the events and places of the Bible and to share them with others.

The Bible is true and the more we learn of it the more we are grounded in the Catholic Faith.

Today I went out in search of the place of St. Paul's Shipwreck in Acts 27-28. It was great fun and I thought I would share this adventure with you.

Much to do on this Catholic Island and this is only one of my adventures on video from Malta.


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