Salvation History - OT

The Covenants of the Old Testament
Adam and Eve a Covenant of Marriage
Noah, a family Covenant (Rainbow as the sign)
The Patriarchs
Abraham - Father of faith and works
In the beginning, a Tribal Covenant
Abraham believed God
The Lord will provide
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel)
Moses the Deliverer
Let my people go, the Passover
40 Years in the Wilderness
The Ten Commandments, the Ark of the Covenant
Joshua leads to Promise Land, a National Covenant and the time of the Judges
David and Solomon
A Kingdom Covenant and David's dance
A dynasty of Kings
The Royal Steward and the keys
The building of the Temple
Elijah and Elisha
Prophets of God and men
Elijah and the dueling deities and the seven times "his servant, Go up and look out to sea.”
Elijah and the double portion
He has spoken through the Prophets
"The New Testament is in the old concealed; the Old Testament is in the new revealed" St. Augustine
