Incorrutibles that specifically point to Our Eucharistic Lord

It is no secret to the family of Deeper Truth that I have been on an insatiable Catholic read-a-thon this year. I have read literally thousands of pages since the year started. I find myself constantly being drawn down new rabbit holes and redrawn down old ones...saints...devotions...little known stories and anecdotes and other priceless treasures. When you supplement this with sources like Deeper Truth's blog and show, you find you are drowning in Catholic treasure to the exhilaration of your soul.
One of the fixtures of the show for all it's 12 years has been my brother in Christ Gregory Thompson and he has a Eucharistic miracles show that has covered hundreds of hours of stories on these special types of miraculous signs.
I just finished reading "The Incorruptibles" by Joan Carroll Cruz which covers more than 100 stories of saints whose deceased bodies showed an incredible and miraculous lack of corruption, a few for more than 700 years!. Obviously, Saint Bernadette (cover picture) is probably the most famous and others you are sure to recognize are Saint Catherine Laboure, Saint Francis Xavier, Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint Catherine of Sienna.
I wish to include 3 particular ones that struck me because they hit so profoundly on themes you would be used to hearing on Doctor Greg's magnificent show. I will include excepts from the book.

.......Her Life, which was distinguished by the performance of miracles, the spirit of prophecy and a singular understanding of divine mysteries, came to it's earthly end during the saint's 40th year, on August 17, 1308. After Clare's death, the sister's remembered the words she had once uttered, "If you seek the cross of Christ, take my heart; there you will find the suffering Lord".
These words were taken literally, and her larger-than-average-heart revealed, upon it's extraction, clearly distinguishable symbols of the Lord's passion, composed of cardiac tissue. These figures are as follows. The crucifix is about the size of one's thumb. The head of the crucified is inclined towards the right arm. The clearly formed corpus is a palid white, save for the tiny aperture in the right side, which is of a livid reddish color.
White tissue covers the loins of the Crucified as a loincloth. The scourge is formed of a hard, whitish nerve, the knobbed ends of which represent the tongues of that cruel instrument of torture. The column is formed of a round white nerve, hard as stone, and entwined by a nerve denoting the cord with which Christ was fastened to the pillar during the scourging. The crown of thorns is of tiny sharp nerves resembling thorns.
The three nails are formed of dark, fibrous tissue and are exceedingly sharp. The largest of these was attached to the inner wall of the heart by a thread of flesh. The lance is represented by a nerve that has every likeness to the shape of that instrument. The sponge is formed of a single nerve resembling a reed, with a tiny cluster of nerve endings representing a sponge at it's tip.
These symbols are believed to have been imprinted on her heart during a vision in which she heard from the lips of the Lord: "I have sought in the world a place where I might place My cross and have found no better site than your heart"

.......Many extraordinary graces were bestowed on Mother Agnes; in a vision she was once permitted to hold the infant Jesus; several times she was privileged to receive Holy Communion from an Angel, and she was often seen in ecstasy levitating from the floor. One of the most extraordinary occurrences recorded concerning her is the formation of white cross-shaped particles, described as manna, which frequently fell on her and the area where she was kneeling in prayer. She had the gift of prophecy, performed many miracles and is known to have mysteriously provided food for the convent.......
....Among the countless pilgrims who visited the incorrupt remains of the Saint can be numbered Emperor Charles IV and Saint Catherine of Sienna, who was especially devoted to her memory. Bl. Raymond (of Capua), in writing of Saint Catherine's visit to the shrine, relates an incident that is frequently depicted in Agnes' iconography.
.... she had entered the cloister and approached the body of Saint Agnes, with almost all of the nuns of the convent and the Sisters of Penance of Saint Dominic who had accompanied her: she knelt at her feet and prostrated to embrace them piously; but the holy body that she intended honoring, unwilling that she should stoop to kiss it, raised it's foot, in the presence of the whole assembly. At this sight, Catherine, much troubled, prostrated profoundly and gradually restored the foot of Agnes to it's usual position
On hearing of the report of this miracle, Bl. Raymond, who had received authority over the monastery from the friar provincial, further reports:
...... I assembled all of the sisters in conference according to the rule of the order, and made a minute examination of the miracle under a precept of holy obedience. All present declared positively that they had seen it perfectly....
Another remarkable miracle occurred during a later visit to the shrine by Saint Catherine, who had traveled there in the company of her two nieces and her mother, Lysa. Not wanting a repetition of the miracle that had occurred during her first visit, Catherine remained at the head of the Saint for a long time in prayer and then said, smiling,
"What, do you not observe the present that heaven sends us: do not be ungrateful!" At these words, Lysa and the others lifted their eyes and saw a very fine and very white manna falling like heavenly dews and covering not only Agnes and Catherine, but also all the persons present, and with such abundance that Lysa filled her hands with it.

Eleanora Jorda y Miedes, an eyewitness to this event, who had previously been repulsed by dead bodies, related in her deposition:
.... I went up to brother Paschal as though he had been alive, kissed his hands and feet and saw the miraculous dew upon his forehead. In short, I felt so much at my ease, at the side of the holy man, that in order to remain the longer under his blessed influence, I resolved not to quit the chapel before the end of High Mass. I must confess, to my own shame, that I was more attentive in watching what was going on round the holy man, than in following the Holy Sacrifice.
When I saw him open his eyes at the Elevation, I was so astounded that I gave a loud scream. "Mamma, Mamma!" I exclaimed to my mother, who had come with me, "look, Look! Brother Paschal has opened his eyes." She looked and she too saw the eyes of the saint open and shut at the second Elevation.
All who were witnesses of this miracle, like ourselves, had one and the same idea about it, namely that Our Lord wished in this way to reward Paschal's extraordinary devotion to the Sacrament of the Altar, and that He gave him a new life, so that even on the other side of the tomb, he might still have the consolation of adoring Him in the Holy Eucharist.