The Catholic Defender: A Eucharistic Miracle from Loredo Texas

On the evening of 21 July 2020, Dr. Gregory Thompson was co-hosting a show describing a Eucharistic Miracle that took place in India 2001. This Miracle focused on the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, many of the faithful witnessed the image of Jesus face present in the Monstrance during Eucharistic Adoration. A picture was able to capture the image of Jesus that continues this very day.
In the discussion that ensued, Anne of Lorado Texas described an occurrence that had taken place at a local hospital where a Eucharistic Miracle happened in the hospital chapel. I asked Anne if she could find information on this if it were possible and here is the information provided by Ana Marie:
"This story is what happened to me about 10 yrs ago during a Eucharistic Miracle. I was at work listening to a local Catholic radio station (KHOY FM 88.1) and they were announcing that there is a Eucharistic Miracle that is happening at the Laredo Mercy Hospital chapel.
This was on a Thursday and I couldn't make because I was working late that day. Since on Friday we were working half a day, I was able to go.
When I was on my way, I was very skeptical. I arrived at the chapel and there were a lot of people inside. I finally got to go in and was right in front of the Eucharist. I was flooded with emotion.

On the right side of the Eucharist I saw a baby Jesus in a manger with a big smile on His face and His arms were stretched out to me, as if He wanted me to pick Him up. I was so moved by this.
Then I looked on the left side I saw Jesus on the cross with head down on His right shoulder. It was from His upper chest on up and you could only see the both parts of His upper arms. His hair looked like He had dry blood on it with the crown of thorns. The picture was colored like a dark maroon red.
I started to shake at this sight. I still stayed there for a little while but there were so many people there.
When I left,I had to sit in my car and just cried. I don't know how long I was there. I went home and cried some more and fell asleep crying.
For the next few days I was very sentimental and felt very humble. It was an experience that I had never had before and felt blessed that Jesus chose me to see a picture on the Eucharist. People there would see different pictures and some people saw nothing there. I thanked God so much in the Name of Jesus for allowing me to see this miracle. God bless."
My Mother had such a vision that took place when I was a small child. She was invited to check out a Catholic Church that was praying offering Eucharistic Adoration. It was her first time ever entering a Catholic Church. What Mom witnessed was an image very similar to the one that happened in India. Mom was so shocked by what she witnessed she asked others around her how they did that?
Mom thought everyone could see it and thought is was something Normal. This example was for my Mother, Anne from Lorado TX witnessed something that was similar, but also personal. They examples are known as "Private Revelation" which many people have witnessed in so many ways.

This phenomenon has been witnesses by many people through different places at different times. People young and old have seen these visions, sometimes only a few witness this Miracle and sometimes many people have seen it.
The picture above was taken by a Catholic monk who took this picture of a Eucharistic Miracle while exposed. Upon developing the film, this image of the child Jesus appeared.
At a time when many have little faith or no faith in the Eucharist, Our Lord continues to show Himself real to His people. May our faith grow in love and truth following our Lord in the Eucharist.
My Lord Jesus Christ,
who for the love you bear us,
remain night and day in this Sacrament,
full of compassion and of love,
awaiting, calling and welcoming
all who come to visit you.
I believe that you are present
in the Sacrament of the Altar.
I adore you from the abyss of my nothingness
and I thank you for all the graces
you have given me until now,
and in particular,
for having given me your Most Holy Mother Mary
as my advocate
and for having called me
to visit you in this church.

I now salute your Most Loving Heart,
and this for three ends:
first, in thanksgiving for this great gift;
second, to make amends to you for all the outrages
which you receive in this Sacrament
from all your enemies;
third, I intend by this visit to adore you
in all the places on earth
in which you are present in this Sacrament
and in which you are the least revered
and the most abandoned.
My Jesus, I love you with my heart.
I grieve for having until now so many times
offended your infinite goodness.
I purpose by your grace never more to offend you
for the time to come;
and now, miserable and unworthy though I am,
I consecrate myself to you without reserve.
I give you and renounce my entire will,
my affections, my desires, and all that I possess.
From now on, use me
and all that I have as you wish.
All I ask of you and desire is your holy love,
final perseverance
and the perfect accomplishment of your will.

I recommend to you the souls in Purgatory;
but especially those who had the greatest devotion
to the Most Blessed Sacrament
and to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.
I also recommend to you all poor sinners.
And finally, my dear Saviour,
I unite all my affections with the affections
of your most loving Heart,
and I offer them with you to your Eternal Father
and beg him for your sake
and for love of you,
graciously to accept and grant them.
By St. Alphonsus de Liguori