The Catholic Defender: I joined 20,000 plus thousand to see President Trump

This past Saturday President Trump held a planned rally at Topeka Kansas as part of our Battle for the Congress campaign which is going national because this election is so important.
Topeka is just one of the many such rallies taking place all over the Country where we hope to help Senators and Representatives hold their positions. We are wanting to add seats in the House and Senate to help us push forward our agenda. The resist and delay tactics of the Democrats must end.
I left work at 07:00 in the morning and went straight to the arena (Kansas Expocentre) where President Trump was going to hold the rally. By the time I arrived, there was already a good crowd of people, many had camped out over night waiting for the event. I jumped in line thankfully just about a hundred yards from the front of the line.
As the day pressed on, it was much cooler, rainy, but bearable. The crowd of people kept arriving all day long. My wife made sure I had plenty to drink and snacks to last through the day. Just meeting people was a great joy. There was great anticipation people held for the upcoming rally.
One such friend I met was Michael Miller and his Sister who were there to see President Trump. I met many people who were from all over the State, some coming from out of State.
Early on organizers had security patrolling the area, there were the marketeers trying to sell hats, flags, shirts, a whole host of paraphernalia of all kinds. Buttons galore.

Finally, about 14:30 the doors were opened and the crowds of people began filling out the auditorium. People were moving on in. I found myself up near the front on the floor just about dead center from where the podium was. I was in a good place.
People really didn't mind waiting in line as long as we did, there was such excitement in the air.
Throughout the day everyone was hoping that the Senate would vote and pass Judge Kavanaugh to seat him on the Supreme Court. Everyone to a person out there supported President Trump's pic.
Once inside the building, the music was loud which is common taking place at a Trump rally. Popular music will play and people generally respond adding to the anticipation of when President Trump would finally make his way into the auditorium. I moved up to the front where I found a group of women praying the Rosary. Of course you know that I was in the right place!

Also in the very area I was I met Military Veterans who like myself had made their way for the rally!
I would eventually meet a representative of "America Needs Fatima" Russ Polhemus, who is on fire for the Lord and His Church!
Finally about 17:30 the auditorium was packed to standing room only, they believed there was over 11,000 inside the building.
Outside were thousands more. I was glad I planned to get there when I did!
I remember being at my first Trump Rally that was held in Madison Alabama where nearly 40,000 people had assembled to hear then Candidate Trump. When he came out on the format then of course the song "Sweet Home Alabama" electrified the crowd.
For a while now, President Trump has been using Lee Greenwood's song, "Proud to be an American" as his intro. So I knew when that song began to play, President Trump was about to enter and greet this large massive crowd. And finally the time came. The crowd went wild, it was mindful of a rock concert, maybe a Papal event? It was electric!

Before President Trump arrived, news had already been given that Judge Kavanaugh passed the Senate 50 to 48 making him a Supreme Court Justice.
What a blessing as this defeated every trick the Democrats tried to do to block the nomination.
President Trump amid the cheers and screams from all over the auditorium, he relayed, "Just a few hours ago the U.S. Senate confirmed Judge Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court", "He's a totally brilliant scholar who has devoted his life to the law."
There was much to share to the crowd of what great things were happening for placing America First. President Trump states, "Yesterday, it was announced that unemployment has fallen to 3.7 percent, the lowest rate in 50 years."
I'd been telling people that the last time we had seen the unemployment rate 3.7 was 1969. Now anyone who knows anything from the Kansas City area can tell you what importance 1969 is to Kansas City? That was the year the Kansas City Chiefs won the Superbowl. Now that we are 5 and 0, could this 3.7 be a great sign for a Chief's Superbowl Year? That would be awesome.

President Trump took the opportunity to promote Kris Koback for Governor over Jeff Colyer.
"Kris Kobach, a strong and early supporter of mine, is running for Governor of the Great State of Kansas. He is a fantastic guy who loves his State and our Country - he will be a GREAT Governor and has my full & total Endorsement! Strong on Crime, Border & Military. VOTE TUESDAY!"
When I got home the following day my wife Gigi watched the event on TV and knew that I was at the front because she recognized my stetson, I was the only one wearing one!
We were encouraged to support all our Republicans running for office to include Steve Watkins, a Veteran, West Point Graduate serving our nation in Iraq as I had done for a number of years. We need these candidtates to help President Trump get his agendas passed through Congress. This November 6 is one of the most important elections of our time.
The Democrats promise to try to impeach President Trump and Judge Kavanaugh, they promise to raise your taxes, to challenge faith in America. When it was all over, I was able to report back to work at 23:00 that evening! What a day!