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The Guardian Angel: Eucharistic Miracle, Sokola, Poland, October 2008

This is so exciting, one of the best to share, first because of Mary & the Eucharist, and then a recent Eucharistic Miracle with so many things that will bless those who hear what happened. To Jesus through Mary, GregoryMary

The Blessed Virgin and The Holy Eucharist by Fr. John A Hardon, S.J.

There is no secret about how the Blessed Virgin is related to the Holy Eucharist. It is very simple: except for the Blessed Virgin, we would not have the Holy Eucharist.

The key to this relationship is the humanity of Jesus Christ. God as God, was present in the world from the dawn of creation. The same almighty power by which God brought the world into being is the same almighty power by which He sustains the world in existence and provides for its constant activity.

But something historic happened at the Annunciation. The moment Mary told the angel, "Be it done to me according to Your word," God began to be present in the world as man. The infant in Mary's womb was her God become Incarnate. It was the Word made Flesh. It was the Lord of the Universe become a human child.

It was from Mary that the Son of God took our human nature. It was from Mary that the Second Person of the Trinity received His humanity. It was through Mary that Jesus Christ, who is God from all eternity, became man, lived visibly on earth in Palestine and is now invisibly on earth in every church and chapel in the Catholic world where the Holy Eucharist is offered, received and reserved.

Mary's relationship to her Son has not changed since the Annunciation. As His Mother, she remains the Mother of Divine Grace, through whom He pours out His blessings on a sinful world. As Pope John Paul II observed in Redemptoris Mater, "Mary guides the faithful to the Eucharist."

Our Lady and the Eucharist

Gerald Francis

It is no accident that when there is a decline in Marian devotion Eucharistic devotions also suffer. When the Protestant revolt divided Christendom in Europe, it eventually disregarded the belief in the Real Presence of our Lord in the Eucharist and abolished the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as the central act of Christian worship. But first Mary was put down a s being a rather unnecessary accessory in the plan of redemption. The truth is that Mary's whole role in the Church is to lead us to her Divine Son. Neglect her; then the surest, quickest and easiest way to her Divine Son is cancelled out. Ignore the Woman of Faith and our faith in the Real Presence will falter and fail as it has among our Protestant separated brethren, and now even among many Catholics who obviously do not believe that God is present in the Eucharist since they show our Lord little or no respect and reverence.

The inseparable bond that exists between Mary and the Eucharist is brought out in many ways. But for the sake of simplicity, let us lightly touch upon three major categories, namely, the Church, the lives of the Saints and the Marian shrines.

Pope Paul VI on Mary and the Eucharist

It was Pope Paul VI who declared Mary the Mother of the Church at the close of the Second Vatican Council, who visited her shrine at Fatima in 1967 and continuously exhorted Catholics to pray her Rosary. He also published the great Encyclical on the Holy Eucharist, "Mysterium Fidei". On the last page of that Encyclical he wrote this beautiful tribute to our Blessed Mother showing the unbroken link that has to exist between her and Christ who is physically present in the Eucharist: He wrote: "May the Most Blessed Virgin Mary from whom Christ Our Lord took the flesh which under the species of bread and wine 'in contained, offered and consumed,' may all the saints of God, especially those who burned with a more ardent devotion to the Divine Eucharist, intercede before the Father of mercies so that from this same faith in and devotion toward the Eucharist may result and flourish a perfect unity of communion among all Christians."

This Pope, who made such strenuous effort in bringing about Christian community and union among all Christian sects, placed his trust and confidence for this union in Mary Immaculate and the Sacrament of unity, the Eucharist. This is but one quote from one Pope. One would be hard pressed to find a single Pope who would, at the same time, be dedicated to our Lady and have little or no devotion to the Eucharist and vice versa. Mary and the Eucharist are intricately linked in the mind of the highest authority of the Catholic Church, the Papacy.

In the prayer life of the Church we see this close connection. In the Litany of Loreto our Lady is called the Ark of the covenant. Now the Ark of the covenant in the Old Testament was where God took up his abode. Mary is the Ark of the new covenant which is no less than the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity who took up His abode in Mary's womb for nine months. She was thus the first tabernacle of our Lord.

Perhaps the inseparable bond between Mary and the Eucharist is no better seen than in the lives of the Saints. These heroic men and women, who lived the Christ-life to the fullest and were perfectly attuned to the action of the Holy Spirit, were without exception devoted to the Eucharist and the Blessed Mother. One particular Saint comes to mind because of his outstanding devotion to the Eucharist. In fact he founded a special Order to promote Eucharistic Adoration. St. Peter Julian Eymard, before he founded his Order, belonged to a Society that was especially dedicated to Mary in her Immaculate Conception. It was towards the end of his life that he asked his spiritual sons and daughters to address Mary and venerate her under the title of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament. Thus Mary would be intricately linked with our Lord's Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament. She who first conceived Jesus by faith in her heart gave Him the immaculate dwelling place where His humanity developed. And now she is nurturing our faith so that we can grow in our love and devotion to that mystery of faith, the Eucharist. Commenting on this role of our Lady in our own personal sanctification, St. Peter said: "The more you allow Mary to work within you through your Communions, the more will Christ be glorified."

Another outstanding incident in the lives of the Saints is that famous dream which St. John Bosco had in 1862. He saw a prophetic naval battle symbolizing the conflict the Church would have in our day with the forces of evil. As the bark of Peter was being buffeted on all sides by enemy ships in a tremendous naval battle, two immense stone columns rose from the sea. And the bard of Peter anchored itself safely between these two columns. Atop one of these columns was the statue of Mary, and inscribed below it were the words, "Help of Christians." Atop the other column was a large host with the inscription below it, "Salvation of Believers." As the bark of Peter anchored itself to these two columns, the ships that were assaulting it were either destroyed or lost their ability to assault the bark of Peter. At the base of one of these columns were two numerals, 19 and two dashes which would indicate that this great victory of the forces of Christ would be realized sometime in the 20th Century through devotion to Mary Immaculate and our Lord present in the Eucharist.

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Though it is a bit early to canonize Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, there are many who consider her a Saint. In her talks in the United States the heart of her message seemed to be centered on the Eucharist and our Lady. It is there two pillars which she pointed out that are the mainstay of her Order and have given such phenomenal success to the work of tending to the poorest of the poor. Every day for one hour her nuns adore our Eucharistic Lord exposed on the altar. They also try to live their lives in joyful imitation of the Mother of God reciting many Rosaries as they walk through the streets of Calcutta seeking out the homeless, the unwanted and the lepers to take them into their home for the dying. Blessed Mother Teresa said that it is our Lady who protected her sisters from any harm whatsoever, even in some of the world's most dangerous cities and neighborhoods. The dedication and sacrifice that is required of her religious community is beautifully summarized in their motto, "To be eaten up by the people." How did she and her religious endure such great sacrifice daily and consistently? Blessed Mother Teresa's own words give us the answer:

"It is labor; it is not only work-it is hard labor. But we wouldn't be able to do it unless we had Mass and Holy Communion in the morning. I remember when the Prime Minister of Yemen asked for our Sisters to come there. I made only one condition: I can give you the Sisters only if you allow a priest to come. For without Jesus I cannot send them. He accepted. So now after 800 years there is Mass and Holy Communion in Yemen. There is a tabernacle in an area surrounded by Moslems who previously had not a sign of Christianity. Now there is a living God amongst them. I know I wouldn't be able to work one week if it were not for that continual force coming from Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

All of us know that unless we believe and can see Jesus in the appearance of bread on the altar, we will not be able to see Him in the distressing disguise of the poor. Therefore these two loves are but one in Jesus."

Marian Shrines are Eucharistic Shrines

But perhaps nowhere is the close link between Mother and Son, Immaculate Virgin and Eucharistic Christ, more apparent than in the Marian shrines that are found throughout the world. When our Lady came for the first time in her many modern-day apparitions at Rue du Bac in Paris in 1830, she told St. Catherine Laboure to come to the foot of the altar where great graces would be bestowed on all who ask for them. Our Lady asked that a church be built on the site of her apparitions at Lourdes, which of course indicates that she wanted the Eucharistic Sacrifice to be celebrated there as well as Christ's Presence in the tabernacle. In every one of Mary's great sanctuaries Mary is not venerated in isolation. She brings all the pilgrims to the foot of the altar where they may gain great graces from her Divine Son.

This is particularly true at Fatima and Lourdes, as it is at these great Marian sanctuaries that there are large processions in which the Eucharist is carried, and in which a bishop as a rule blessed the sick. On these occasions tremendous miraculous cures are brought about, both physical and spiritual. Just to mention one physical cure out of tens of thousands that have taken place over the years: Mary Tessier was desperately ill with tuberculosis peritonitis when she was brought to Lourdes. She had been confined to bed for three years and was in constant pain and hemorrhaging, and the doctors gave her no hope whatsoever. She was cured during the procession of the Blessed Sacrament, and her cure has been accepted by the Medical Bureau in Lourdes.

At Fatima it is a well-known fact that an Angel of Peace came first to Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia in 1916. He prepared the way for the later apparitions of Mary Immaculate. When he appeared the third time in dazzling beauty before the three seers, he held in his left hand a chalice, and in his right over the chalice, a host form which drops of blood could be seen falling into the chalice. Leaving the host and the chalice suspended in mid-air, he prostrated himself touching the ground with his forehead. Then he said the following prayer three times:

"Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, I adore you profoundly. I offer you the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world, in reparation for all the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which He is offended. By the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I pray for the conversion of poor sinners."

The Angel then rose and took the chalice and host into his hands. He communicated the host to Lucy, the contents of the chalice he gave to Jacinta and Francisco, saying: "Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly outraged by ungrateful men. Make reparation for their sins and console your God."

How seriously Francisco took these words to heart is illustrated in the remaining years of his life. When the seers were sent to school, Francisco realizing that he had but a short time to live, did not have any desire to go to school, but told his sister and cousin to go ahead and he would remain in church where he could make reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences by which our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is offended. So penetrated was Francisco with the love of what he called "the hidden God," that he often spent many hours on his knees in silent adoration before the tabernacle.

Communion of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart

To better grasp the close relationship between Our Lady of Fatima and the Eucharist, we have but to remind ourselves of the fact that one of the conditions our Lady asked for to bring about world peace was the five first Saturday Masses and Communions of reparation to her Immaculate Heart. It is also true that at Fatima, the night before these great feast days on the 13th of each month from May through October, the people arrive early in the evening and spend the whole night as a rule in prayer before the Eucharistic Lord. It is providential that the feast day of Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament which was originally set by St. Peter Julian Eymard for May 8th was transferred to May 13th, the anniversary date of the first apparition of our Lady at Fatima.

From this very cursory summary showing the intimate and all embracing relationship between our Lady and our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, we can readily see that one cannot have one without the other. To reverse the trend of diminution of faith in the Real Presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, there has to be a return of true devotion to Mary Immaculate. When Catholics anchor their faith on these two indestructible, inseparable pillars-the Eucharist and our Lady-then the enemy will be defeated and a great calm will descend upon both the Church and the world.

Eucharistic Miracle, Sokola, Poland, October 2008

On October 12, 2008, at the church dedicated to Saint Anthony of Sokółka, the Holy Mass of 8:30 AM is celebrated by a young vicar, Filip Zdrodowski. During Communion, unknowingly the Host falls from the hands of one of the priests. A woman kneeling, ready to receive the Eucharist, makes him notice it. The priest remains paralyzed from fright and believing it was dirty, places it in the vasculum, a small silver vessel which contains the water utilized by priests to wash their fingers after distributing Communion.

At the end of the Holy Mass, the sacristan, Sister Julia Dubowska, takes the vasculum with the Host and for increased safety pours it into another vessel which she then locks in the safe where the chalices were kept. week later, on Sunday, October 19, around 8:00 AM, the sister opens the safe and finds the Host almost dissolved but with some strange red clots in the center. She immediately calls the priests to show them what was discovered. The Host was mostly dissolved. Only a very small piece of the consecrated bread was left, tightly interconnected to the substance that appeared on its surface. Actually, part of the Host was joined to that “strange red clot”.

The pastor of Sokółka then contacted the Metropolitan Curia of Białystok. Archbishop Edward Ozorowski together with the Chancellor of the Curia, priests and professors examined the Host and, astounded, decide to wait for the development of the events and to see what would happen next.

On October 29 the vessel containing the Host is brought into the parish chapel and locked in the tabernacle; the next day, on order of the Archbishop, Father Gniedziejko delicately removes with a small spoon the partially dissolved Host with the blood colored substance on its interior and places it on a pure white corporal, with a red cross embroidered on its center. The corporal is kept in the case used for keeping and carrying the Hosts, to be then locked again in the tabernacle. Over time the Host “fused” with the corporal and the red “clot” dried. Only then two scientists of global fame and specialists in pathological anatomy at the Medical University of Białystok were consulted.

The Metropolitan Curia of Białystok has released this declaration concerning the Eucharistic Miracle that occurred at Sokółka:

“1. On October 12, 2008, a consecrated Host fell out of the hands of a priest while he was distributing Holy Communion. He picked it up and placed it in a vessel filled with water, in the tabernacle. After Mass, the vessel containing the host was placed in a safe present in the sacristy.

2. On October 19, 2008, after opening the safe one could clearly see a red stain on the Host that had fallen, which with the naked eye immediately gave the impression of being a bloodstain.

3. On October 29, 2008, the vessel containing the Host was transferred to the tabernacle of the chapel of the rectory. The next day the Host was removed from the water contained in the vessel and placed on a corporal inside the tabernacle.

4. On January 7, 2009, the sample of the Host was taken and examined independently by two professionals in histopathology at the University of Medicine of Białystok. They issued a common declaration which states: ‘The sample sent for evaluation looks like myocardial tissue. In our opinion, of all the tissues of living organisms this is the one that resembles it the most.’

5. The Commission has noted that the analyzed Host is the same one that has been moved from the sacristy to the tabernacle in the chapel of the rectory. Intervention by a third party has not been found.

6. The case of Sokółka does not contradict the faith of the Church, but rather confirms it.”

At the beginning of January of 2009 the Curia of Białystok asked two eminent specialists in pathologoical anatomy of the Medical University of Białystok - Professor Maria Elżbieta Sobaniec-Łotowska and Professor Stanisław Sulkowski, to analyze the samples of the bloodstained Host. On Janaury

7 - Professor Sobaniec-Łotowska went to Sokółka and took from the corporal a minuscule sample of the mysterious substance present in the Host. he professors of the UMB University had underlined that, in the case of the examined Host, in the sample they have found numerous biomorphological indicators typical of cardiac muscle tissue such as, for example, the phenomenon of segmentation, namely damage to the fibers of the tissue of the cardiac muscle in the section where communicating junctions [structures characteristic of the cardiac muscle] are found, and the phenomenon of fragmentation.

Such damages are visible in the form of numerous small lesions. These alterations can be observed only in fibers that were not necrotic, that is alive, and show signs of the fast spasms of the cardiac muscle typical of the extreme phase preceding death. Another important evidence of the fact that the material analyzed corresponded to human cardiac muscle tissue was the central position of the cellular nucleus in the observed fibers, a typical characteristic of cardiac muscle fibers...

The two scientists of Białystok declared… “Some signs that can correspond to nodes of the contractions have been observed on the section of several fibers. Instead, during the analysis with the electronic microscope, the outlines of the communicating junctions and the thin filaments of the myofibrils were visible”. Moreover, the cardiac tissue was joined to the consecrated Host in an inseparable manner. In the report of the examination performed by Professor Sobaniec-Łotowska and Professor Sulkowski, we find written: “The material resulted was sufficient for the examination; it indicates that it is cardiac muscle tissue, or at least the most similar to it among all the living tissues of an organism”. “And, something very important, the material analyzed is composed in all respects of cardiac muscular tissue”.

This affirmation is reported in the “Communication of the Metropolitan Curia of Białystok” of October 14, 2009, concerning the Eucharistic phenomena at Sokółka. The professors discovered also other unexplainable elements. “The Host remained in water for a long time and it remained in the corporal for an even longer period of time. The tissue that appeared on the Host would therefore have had to undergo the process of autolysis, namely the process of self-destruction by the action of the intracellular enzymes; in the material analyzed there were not however observed traces of these alterations!”, the two luminaries declared.

Another very interesting event observed consists in that the substance found on the corporal, although slightly changed after being removed from the water (it had simply dried) a couple of years ago, it did not change its appearance despite having been neither stabilized nor preserved at a particular temperature. “This signifies that if the miracle were due to a bacterium, the material would have disintegrated, crumbled and would have changed appearance. Any microbial culture, even placed on the cleanest possible material, after a single week appears completely different” added Professor Sulkowski.

“At first I was convinced that it was a blood clot” - said Professor Sobaniec-Łotowska. But the truth was much more surprising! The two scientists of Białystok, who for their own independent investigations, made use of the most modern optical microscopes and the transmission electronic microscope, have reached the same conclusion (Professor Sulkowski, did not know that the sample which he was examining came from a Host): the sample examined was neither a clot, nor blood ... it was a human cardiac muscle tissue still alive.

And, something even more incredible, it was a cardiac muscle with typical indications of the final phase that precedes death. nd yet, several people, who not only have never analyzed the material but they had neither seen it with their own eyes, have affirmed that the red color of the Host is due to prodigiosin, a red pigment produced by the bacterium Serratia marcescens. “Obviously, this is absurd” affirmed the specialists of Białystok, also because the material observed corresponds to cardiac muscle and not to a bacterium.

The scientists of Białystok have analyzed the sample taken in purely scientific terms and not fideistic. Several accusations were even more absurd, like the one put forth by the group of so-called “rationalists” according to whom the tissue analyzed pertained to a murdered man. The professors reacted with a statement in which they expressed “a profound indignation for the fact that the public opinion was led in error by false pseudoscientific hypotheses on the analyzed phenomenon, above all on the part of people who ignore the particulars relative to the analysis, who have neither access to the material analyzed, nor to the documentation collected, and who often do not even know the analytical techniques applied”.

The drafting of the protocol on the part of the two scientists of Białystok required two weeks. When the Curia of Białystok became aware of the incredible results of the analyses, it formed a special Ecclesiastical Commission convened by the Archbishop on March 30, 2009. His task consisted in examining the miracle from the theological point of view and in listening to all who had seen the Host or who had been witnesses of those extraordinary events. The commission also had the task of dispelling any doubt of deception and of ascertaining that no one had furtively substituted the Host in the tabernacle.

The representatives of the commission - the distinguished professors of the Seminary of Białystok - interrogated all the witnesses, verifying the sincerity of their testimonies. The work undertaken by the Ecclesiastical Commission has produced the following statement: “The Host from which the sample was taken for the examination is the same one that has been transferred from the sacristy to the tabernacle of the chapel in the rectory. The intervention of strangers was not observed”.

This was moreover categorically excluded also by the two scientists of Białystok. It was not possible that someone had placed a fragment of a human body in the tabernacle. What made one think so? The fragments which composed the Host were tightly interconnected to the fibers of the human tissue; they penetrated each other, as if a fragment of “bread” had suddenly transformed itself in “body”. It is not possible to manipulate an event of this type. No one, absolutely no one, would have been able to do it. “Even the scientists of NASA, who have at their disposal the most modern analytical techniques, would not be able to artificially recreate such a thing”, affirmed Professor Sobaniec-Łotowska, adding that this fact has been for her of particular importance.

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