The Guardian Angel: Rosary Rally at Jefferson City Capital Building

God's will be done, allows Mary to put her mantle of protection around us, always pointing to her Son, and to help change the course of HISTORY, if we ask for her intercession to battle Satan in this WAR for souls, she will bring all the celestial court to the battle with us as we say and meditate on the Rosary.
You can set at home, or come to one of the front lines, and because of your efforts others may have their eyes opened and their souls directed toward Heaven for eternity.
Could you and I as we ask for Mary's intercession be the reason that God's Judgment on America is mitigated and we are given a little more peace and time to bring family, friends, and those put into our path to God before it is too late for them.
The choice is Christ or Satan, Heaven or Hell, and we should be ashamed if we do nothing!!!
We do indeed live in perilous times in this country, times that will continue to erode and leave to our posterity a country where acknowledgement of God will be rarely done outside of secrecy. God is mocked, good is called evil and evil is called good. We can and must do all we can as we do God's will, He is calling you, and that is no accident.
Join us in concert with Cardinal Burke, in this 54 day Rosary Novena, our Nation, our State, and our Families need this. Just in Missouri there should be 10s of Thousands respond, and in our Nation there should be millions, don't leave it to someone else, souls are depending on you. To the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Sorrowful & Immaculate Heart of Mary, GregoryMary
Our Lady of the Rosary
Extraordinary times calls for extraordinary Action!

In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, and as we enter the centennial year of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, we are called upon to help turn
our country back towards God!
We must accomplish this through prayer! Prayer that can change hearts, change families, change our communities, and our country.
The Rosary is the strongest Spiritual Battle Weapon we have!
Praying the 54 Day Rosary Novena for our freedom & faith from August 15 though to October 7 to call upon God to heal our land.
Then make plans to attend the Rosary Rally in Jefferson City, MO (State Capitol Jefferson City, Missouri in the Capitol Rotunda 201 W. Capitol Ave. Jefferson City, MO 65101) on Friday, October 7 at 10 am to hear guest speakers and for a powerful time of prayer as we ALL call upon Our Lady of the Rosary.
Finally, we need your help to get the word out! Please forward to everyone you know. Help spread the word to heal our country!