The Catholic Defender: Our Lady of Guadalupe
I returned to the Catholic Church beginning in October 1978. Cursillo was the major instrument the lord used in my life in bringing me...
Gloria Hartley: Moms of deploying children
Yes, it’s me, Gigi. I’m so glad I work with soldiers, God bless and protect each one of them. They understand. Also, most of the...
The Catholic Defender: I Walk The Line Faithful to the Catholic Faith and my Wife Gigi Despite what Biden Democrates say.
(The prayer to St. Michael - St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the...
The Catholic Defender: Basic Training And Soldiers Under Command, Our Core Values
After nearly four years of college and then being in the work force, I caught one of those Army commercials calling us to be "All you can...